Pokemon Go City Spotlight Event will Take Place Later this Month
Pokemon Go will host an event called City Spotlight in certain cities. The trainers will explore the cities in a new way with a variety of bonuses. It will take place for one day on November 22, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time in the following cities:
* Tainan, Taiwan
* Kyoto, Japan
* Auckland, New Zealand
* Busan, South Korea
The City Spotlight event will feature both free and ticketed version. Ticketed version will include everything in the free.
Free City Spoitlight Content:
Take your Buddy Pokemon all aroud the city to complete The City Spotlight Timed Research.
Spin PokéStops for a chance to receive a special Gift sticker.
Complete an AR Mapping task to get special rewards.
PokéStop scanning competition! Check your city ranking on an online leaderboard. The city with the most AR Mapping tasks completed at the end of the weekend will win an exclusive event featuring a 1/4 Hatch Distance bonus.
Take snapshots to earn Pokémon encounters, a Poffin, Stardust, and a Lucky Egg.
City Spotlight ticketed Experience:
Everything in the free City Spotlight.
The following Pokémon will be attracted to special event Incense: Onix, Lapras, Unown C, Nosepass, Rhyhorn, Doduo, Mantine, Pidgey, Pelipper, Pidgeot, and Stoutland. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny Unown C! Shiny Unown C will be available only for the duration of this event to Trainers who have a City Spotlight ticket.
Explore the city with your Buddy Pokémon using exclusive City Spotlight Special Research as a guide! Complete the Special Research to receive a Poffin, an Incense, a Super Incubator, three Lucky Eggs, a Lure Module, an encounter with Lapras, XP, and Stardust.
Earn up to three extra hearts with your buddy in every category.
Give your buddy treats during the event as it’ll automatically become excited to indicate that there is an exciting adventure ahead for you!
1/4 Hatch Distance when an Egg is placed in an Incubator while the City Spotlight initiative is active.
Incense will be more effective while you’re walking and will last for two hours.
Pokemon Go Hack Version – iPOGO
If you don’t want to go out and still expect to catch Pokemon, Pokemon Go++ by iPOGO is a version of Pokemon Go you are looking for.
Pokemon Go Hack iPOGO is a free-to-play version of Pokemon Go with incredible features like teleport, which is available on Panda Helper.