Minecraft Crafting Guide Recipes for Beginners
Crafting is a way to obtain multiple cubes, tools, and other resources in Minecraft. This article is a Minecraft crafting guide that shows you a detailed description of the crafting recipes. It includes the materials acquisition method and materials crafting recipes.
When Crafting, players must first move items from the item bar into a synthesis grid. The simple 2×2 grid can be found directly in the item bar, while the 3×3 grid needs to be opened using the crafting table. We hope this Minecraft crafting guide can give help everyone.
Moreover, besides the Minecraft crafting guide, there is some helpful content for Minecraft players, such as Minecraft PE Free Download, Minecraft Redstone Guide, Minecraft potions brewing list, commands list in Minecraft, and enchantments for Minecraft.
Minecraft Crafting Guide Recipes
Sea Lantern
To craft Sea Lantern blocks, you need 4 prismarine shards and 5 prismarine crystals. Moreover, these materials are the only materials to craft Sea Lanterns.
The Sea lantern is one of the brightest lights in the entire Minecraft PE world. They light up underwater seas, oceans, and other water bodies.
In a conclusion, you can craft these light-emitting blocks on a 3×3 grid crafting table. Please follow the pattern in the image below.
To craft a Beacon, you need the materials 1 Nether Star, 3 Obsidian blocks, and 5 glass blocks. There are no other crafting methods or materials to craft Beacons.
Firstly, Beacon blocks are great landmarks because of their strong bright light that projects upward toward the sky. So the players can see the light from a far distance. Then, Beacons also give players boosts such as jump boosts, speed, strength, regeneration, and resistance. These light-emitting blocks also melt snow and ice.
You can craft these beacon blocks on a 3×3 grid crafting table. Make sure to follow the exact pattern to obtain Beacon blocks in your inventory by this Minecraft crafting guide.
Fire Charge
To craft Fire Charge, players need the following materials: 1 coal, 1 gunpowder, and 1 blaze powder. These materials are the only materials that can craft Fire Charge.
Fire Charges are immediately set on fire when used. Players can use it as a defense mechanism, but not combat creepers. Moreover, you can also use Fire Charges as a substitute for flint and steel as they can ignite/light TNT, campfires, and Nether portals.
Following the following pattern, you can create 3 Fire Charges. In a conclusion, crafting these balls of fire on a 3×3 grid crafting table with the materials mentioned above.
Glistering Melon
To craft a slice of Glistering Melon, you need 1 melon slice, and 8 golden nuggets are combined on a crafting table.
Firstly, Glistering Melons are not edible kinds of melons. Players mainly use them for brewing healing potions and as the main ingredient in the mundane potion. Also, use Glistering Melon as a substitute for ghast tears when making potions. Then, you can sell them to nearby villagers for emeralds.
The method for crafting Glistering Melon is on a 3×3 grid crafting table, with 1 slice of melon and 8 golden nuggets. With this exact pattern, players can create one slice of Glistering Melon.
Minecraft Crafting Guide of Button
To craft a Button, you can prepare various materials in Minecraft, such as oak, stone, spruce, dark oak, acacia, crimson, jungle, and many more.
Players primarily use Buttons as a temporary Redstone power activator. Moreover, if the button is wooden, you can also use it as a fuel source.
Craft Buttons on a 3×3 grid crafting table. Firstly, place 1 block of oak, stone, warped wood, dark oak, or any of the materials mentioned above in the first row, in the upper left corner, then players can create a Button.
White Concrete
Forme White Concrete, you need 1 White Concrete powder and 1 bucket of water combined or when 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 white dye are placed together on a crafting table.
Players can dye White Concrete blocks to form different colored concrete blocks. And mainly use Concrete blocks as building blocks in the game. Moreover, we can also use Concrete blocks to produce the “bass drum” sound when placing them underneath note blocks.
In a conclusion, White concrete is easy to make. It takes a few steps with the help of 1 concrete powder and a bucket of water. Players have to place down concrete powder blocks and add a bucket of water on top of the concrete powder. You can remove the water with the bucket by tapping on the concrete powder you first placed the water on top of.
The second method to make it is by crafting them on a crafting table from 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 white dye.
Glass Bottle
To craft a Glass Bottle, you need to put 3 glass blocks in the pattern in the image below on a crafting table.
Players can use Glass Bottles to hold water, honey, potions, and dragon breath; they primarily hold water or ingredients used to brew potions with a brewing stand.
Forme Glass Bottles with 3 glass blocks on a 3×3 grid crafting table with the pattern below.
Orange Concrete
Forme Orange Concrete when you combine 1 orange dyed concrete powder and 1 bucket of water or when 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks and 1 orange dye are placed together on a crafting table.
Orange Concrete blocks are one of the 16 concrete blocks, we used them as a building material and decorative block.
Orange Concrete is easy to make. It takes a few steps with the help of 1 orange dyed concrete powder and a bucket of water. Players simply have to place down the orange dye concrete powder blocks and add a bucket of water on top of the concrete powder, then remove the water with the bucket by tapping on the concrete powder you first placed the water on top of.
The second method to make Orange Concrete blocks is by crafting them on a crafting table from 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 orange dye.
Orange dye
To craft Orange dye, you need the help of a few materials on a crafting table, either from 1 orange tulip flower or from 1 red dye and 1 yellow dye combined.
The player can use it to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars, and gunpowder.
The first method to craft Orange Dye is placing 1 orange tulip flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table. The second method requires 1 red dye and 1 yellow dye placed side by side on the first row in the first and second box of the crafting table.
Light Gray Dye
To craft Light Gray Dye on a crafting table, 5 different materials can craft Light Gray dye: 1 white tulip flower, 1 oxeye daisy flower, 1 azure bluet flower, 1 gray dye, and 1 white dye combined, or 1 black dye and 1 white dye combined.
Like all dyes, the player can use Light Gray Dye to dye sheep, wool, wolf collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars, and gunpowder.
The first method to craft Light Gray Dye is placing 1 white tulip flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table.
The second method and third method are similar to the first. Place 1 oxeye daisy flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table, or use 1 azure bluet flower. The fourth and fifth methods use dyes to craft Light Gray Dye, 1 gray dye and 1 white dye or 1 black dye and 1 white dye placing on a crafting table to give Light Gray Dye.
Light Blue Concrete
When combining 1 light blue dyed concrete powder and 1 bucket of water or when 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 light blue dye placing together on a crafting table, you can get Light Blue Concrete.
Light Blue Concrete blocks are one of the 16 concrete blocks. We also use them as building materials and decorative blocks.
It is easy to make. It takes a few steps with the help of 1 light blue dyed concrete powder and a bucket of water. Players have to place down the light blue dyed concrete powder blocks and add a bucket of water on top of the concrete powder, then remove the water with the bucket by tapping on the concrete powder you first placed the water on top of.
The second method to make Light Blue Concrete blocks is by crafting them on a crafting table from 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 light blue dye.
Light Blue Dye
Crafting Light Blue Dye on a crafting table with the help of a few materials, either from 1 blue orchid flower or from combineing 1 blue dye and 1 white dye.
Players use Light Blue Dye to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars and gunpowder.
The first method to craft Light Blue Dye is placing 1 blue orchid flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table. The second method requires 1 blue dye and 1 white dye placed side by side on the first row in the first and second boxes of the crafting table.
Minecraft Crafting Guide of Cake
The materials to craft a Cake are 3 wheat, 1 egg, 3 milk, and 2 sugars. The only way to make a Cake is on the crafting table.
Cake is a source of food to survive in the Minecraft world. They replenish players’ food meters. By following the pattern below, you can craft Cake.
Nether Wart Block
There is only 1 method to craft Nether Wart blocks on a crafting table. 9 Nether warts make a block of Nether Warts. Note that a block of Nether Wart can not craft back into 9 Nether Warts.
Players mainly use Nether Wart for brewing the awkward potion (base of all potions), while using the block form as a decorative block.
Crafting Nether Wart block from 9 Nether Warts placing together on a crafting table filling all nine boxes.
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye has one crafting method and only one crafting method. It is crafted on a 3×3 grid crafting table with 1 spider eye, 1 sugar and 1 brown mushroom as the ingredients.
Fermented Spider Eyes are used as a brewing ingredient. Its primary purpose is to make strong potions such as, Potion of harming, Potion of slowness, Potion of invisibility, and Potion of weakness.
To craft a Fermented Spider Eye, players need 3 ingredients, namely: 1 sugar, 1 spider eye, and 1 brown mushroom. Place the brown mushroom, sugar, and spider eye on the 3×3 grid crafting table in the pattern shown below.
Crafting a Dispenser is a simple process. All players need are 7 cobblestone blocks, 1 bow, and 1 Redstone dust placed on a 3×3 grid crafting table.
Dispensers are solid blocks primarily, we can use them as a Redstone component that will dispense items once activated. The players can also use it as a container to store items. Crafting Dispensers is a simple process. On a crafting table, place 7 cobblestone blocks, 1 bow, and 1 Redstone dust in the exact pattern shown below.
Pink Concrete
When combining 1 pink-dyed concrete powder and 1 bucket of water or when 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 pink dye placing together on a crafting table, we can form Pink Concrete.
Pink Concrete blocks are one of the 16 concrete blocks, we used it as a building material and decorative block.
It is easy to make. Therefore, it takes a few steps with the help of 1 pink dyed concrete powder and a bucket of water. Players have to place down the pink-dyed concrete powder blocks and add a bucket of water on top of the concrete powder, then remove the water with the bucket by tapping on the concrete powder you first placed the water on top of.
The second method to make Pink Concrete blocks is by crafting them on a crafting table from 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 pink dye.
Pink Dye
Crafting Pink Dye on a crafting table with 4 different materials can craft Pink Dye: 1 pink tulip flower, 1 peony flower, 1 red dye, and 1 white dye.
Like all dyes, we use Pink Dye to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars, and gunpowder.
The first method to craft Pink Dye is by placing 1 pink tulip flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table. The first method and second method are similar, place 1 peony flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table, or the third method is placing 1 red dye and 1 white dye together on a crafting table.
Enchanting Table
Enchanting Tables require 1 book, 2 diamonds, and 4 obsidian blocks placed on a crafting table in a certain pattern. See below.
An Enchanting Table is an essential block in the Minecraft world. In other words, we can use it to enchant tools, weapons, armor, books, and many other items helpful to players in the game.
In a conclusion, to craft an Enchanting Table, place 1 book in the middle box on the first row, then place 2 diamonds on the second row in the first and third box, and finally add 1 obsidian block in the middle between the two diamonds and 3 obsidian blocks on the third row. Craft an Enchanting Table with the pattern shown below in the image.
Crafting Table
One of the essential items we can find in a gamer’s inventory is a Crafting Table. That is to say, all players need to craft a Crafting Table with 4 planks of any wood.
A Crafting Table is ideal to have in your inventory in the Minecraft world. It is the table that helps craft many materials needed in the game. Without a crafting table, it would be challenging to survive in survival mode, and players wouldn’t be able to craft creative items used for building purposes, food, weapons, tools, and many more utilities.
Firstly, players will get a small 2×2 crafting grid which will be used to craft a Crafting Table. Once players have a crafting table in their inventory, the grid will become 3×3, and players can start crafting. In a conclusion, to craft a Crafting Table, fill the 4 boxes with 4 planks of wood (any kind).
Bone Block
A Bone block only has one kind of material. It requires 9 bone meals to craft a Bone block on a crafting table.
We use Bone blocks as decorative blocks and storage blocks for bone meal, as they can be turned back into bone meal on a crafting table. Moreover, players also use it to make “xylophone sounds” when placing it underneath note blocks.
Therefore, by filling all 9 boxes on the crafting table with 9 bone meals, we can craft Bone block. Look at the image below.
Minecraft Crafting Guide of Redstone Torch
It requires 2 materials, namely, 1 Redstone dust and 1 stick to craft Redstone Torches on a crafting table.
We can use Redstone Torches to make more complex machinery in Minecraft, such as activator rails, Redstone repeaters, and Redstone comparators. They are also an excellent source of light to light your world up with, and they are cheap to craft, taking only 1 Redstone dust and 1 stick to make it.
On a crafting table, place 1 Redstone dust on the first row in the middle box (second box) and 1 stick below it on the second row in the central or second box.
Gray Dye
2 different materials can craft Gray Dye: 1 black dye and 1 white dye. Like all dyes, we can use Gray Dye to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars, and gunpowder.
There is only one method to craft Gray Dye. Place 1 black dye and 1 white dye on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid to craft Gray Dye.
Cocoa Beans
We can’t craft Cocoa Beans. Instead, players must go and find cocoa plants in jungles in the Minecraft world. So we can get Cocoa Beans from cocoa plants.
Cocoa Beans are an ingredient for food like cookies so players use them to create the brown dye.
Cocoa Beans come from cocoa plants found in jungles. To obtain Cocoa Beans, players must simply find a cocoa plant(usually hanging on cocoa trees), press on the cocoas, and break them. Then collect the floating Cocoa Beans, which will appear in the player’s Hotbar to craft other items later.
Armor Stand
Like all recipes, Armor Stands have certain patterns players must follow to craft an Armor stand. The primary materials are 1 smooth stone slab and 6 sticks.
We primarily use it to hold and display clothing items such as armor. It is also helpful for holding and displaying carved pumpkins, mob heads, and elytra.
On a 3×3 crafting table, with the help of 1 smoothstone slab and 6 sticks craft an Armor Stand. The pattern is simple, place the smooth stone slab on the last (third) row of the 3×3 grid in the middle box or second box, then place 3 sticks on the first row filling all 3 boxes, and 1 stick in the center box of the second row and finally the last 2 sticks on either side of the smoothstone slab on the third row.
Minecraft Crafting Guide of Red Dye
4 different materials can craft Red Dye: 1 red tulip flower, 1 poppy flower, 1 red rose bush flower or 1 beetroot on a crafting table. .
Like all dyes, We use Red Dye to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars, and gunpowder.
The first method to craft Red Dye is placing 1 red tulip flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table. The second, third, and fourth methods are similar to the first. Place 1 poppy flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table, or use 1 red rose bush flower. The fourth method uses beetroot instead of the flowers that give Red Dye.
Minecraft Crafting Guide of Bread
There is only one method and one material to form bread, 3 wheat placed in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table gives 1 bread on a crafting table. Bread is a source of food that can recover a hungry player. It is one of the fastest ways to replenish players’ food meter.
The pattern to craft Bread is very simple. On a crafting table, in a 3×3 crafting grid, place 3 wheat on the second or middle row of the table to receive Bread in your inventory.
End Rod
There is only one method to create End Rods. It only takes 2 materials to craft it, namely 1 blaze rod and 1 popped chorus fruit on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid.
We used them as a source of light, and they are also used as decoration.
With the pattern in the image, players can craft 4 End Rods. Players must place 1 blaze rod on the first row in the second or middle box, and 1 popped chorus fruit right below the blaze rod on the second or middle row in the center (second) box.
End Crystal
The materials required to create an End Crystal are 1 eye of ender, 1 ghast tear and 7 glass blocks on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid.
The End Crystal’s purpose is to recharge the health of an ender dragon. This is its main use, but we can also use it as a defensive mechanism since they explode when attacked or moved while on fire. End Crystals can also kill a player in netherite armor if the player comes too close to the crystal.
Following the pattern below. Put 1 eye of ender in the center or the second box of the second row, 1 ghast tear placed below the eye of ender in the middle or second box of the third row, and 7 glass blocks surrounding the two materials filling the whole crafting table gives 1 End Crystal.
Ender Chest
An Ender Chest is craftable on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid. It takes 1 eye of ender and 8 obsidian blocks to create an Ender Chest block.
An Ender Chest is one of the most valuable and essential items to have as a Minecrafter. They can be used as regular chests if desired, but these chests can be more than just a chest. Ender Chests are interconnected in different dimensions. They are secure, meaning other players can not take or access the items in an Ender Chest. But the items placed in this chest are retainable if a player dies. Players can access the items stored in the 27 slots from another/ older game by simply crafting another Ender Chest. This is why Ender Chests are so helpful.
An Ender Chest is crafted in a 3×3 crafting grid, on a crafting table, with 1 eye of ender placed in the center or second box on the second row and 8 obsidian blocks filling the rest of the boxes. Following the exact pattern shown below, players can obtain 1 Ender Chest.
Eye of Ender
It takes 2 materials to craft it, namely 1 ender pearl and 1 blaze powder, to craft Eye of Ender on a crafting table.
The Eye of Ender is only used to find end portals and strongholds.
In a 3×3 crafting grid, place 1 ender pearl and 1 blaze powder on a crafting table. The pattern is as shown below. 1 Ender pearl is placed in the middle box or the second box of the second row, and 1 blaze powder next to the ender pearl on the right-hand side in the third box of the second row.
Minecraft Crafting Guide of Stick
Sticks are made from wood blocks in Minecraft which can be crafted on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid from any sort of wood planks such as oak planks, spruce planks, acacia planks, dark oak planks, crimson planks, birch planks, jungle planks, and warped planks. Players will need 2 of any wood plank sort mentioned above to craft sticks.
In Minecraft, Sticks are one of the most necessary items in your inventory. They craft many items such as tools, weapons, torches, rails, fences, signs, campfires, levers, paintings, ladders, item frames, fishing rods, barrels, banners, bows, and many more items players need in the game.
The pattern to craft Sticks gives 4 sticks. On a crafting table, in a 3×3 crafting grid, place 2 wood planks of any sort in the middle boxes of the first and second row of the grid.
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Pie is a food item craftable on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid. The materials needed to craft pumpkin pie are 1 egg, 1 pumpkin, and 1 sugar.
Pumpkin Pie is a food source crafted from pumpkin and other ingredients used to replenish players’ food meter. 1 pumpkin pie gives 8 hunger bars.
Follow the pattern shown below in the image and place the ingredients in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table. 1 pumpkin should be placed in the left-hand box at the top of the first row and 1 sugar in the second box besides the first box with the pumpkin, and 1 egg in the first row’s last (third) box.
Magenta Concrete
It is formed when 1 magenta dyed concrete powder and 1 bucket of water are combined or when 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks and 1 magenta dye are placed together on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid.
Magenta Concrete blocks are one of the 16 concrete blocks used as a building material and decorative block.
It is easy to make. It takes a few steps with the help of 1 magenta dyed concrete powder and a bucket of water. Players simply have to place down the magenta-dyed concrete powder blocks and add a bucket of water on top of the concrete powder, then remove the water with the bucket by tapping on the concrete powder you first placed the water top.
The second method to make Magenta Concrete blocks is by crafting it on a crafting table from 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 magenta dye.
Magenta Dye
Magenta Dye is crafted on a crafting table. There are 7 different materials and 5 methods that can craft Magenta Dye: 1 lilac flower, 1 allium flower, 1 purple dye and 1 pink dye combined, 1 blue dye, 2 red dye and 1 White dye combined, or 1 blue dye, 1 red dye and 1 pink dye combined.
Like all dyes, Magenta Dye is used to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars, and gunpowder.
There are 5 methods to craft Magenta Dye in a 3×3 crafting grid. The first method to craft Magenta Dye is by placing 1 lilac flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table. The second method is similar to the first, placing 1 allium flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table. The third, fourth, and fifth methods use dyes to craft Magenta Dye. 1 purple dye and 1 pink dye give 2 magenta dyes. 1 blue dye, 2 red dyes, and 1 white dye are placed on a crafting table to give 4 Magenta Dyes. Lastly, 1 blue dye, 1 red dye, and 1 pink dye give 3 Magenta Dyes. When crafting dyes, there is no specific crafting pattern to follow.
Yellow Dye
Yellow Dye is crafted on a crafting table. There are 2 different materials and 2 methods can craft Yellow Dye: 1 sunflower flower and 1 dandelion flower.
Like all dyes, Yellow Dye is used to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars and gunpowder.
Yellow Dye is craftable with 2 methods. The first method to craft Yellow Dye is placing 1 sunflower flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table. The first and second methods are precisely the same. Place 1 dandelion flower in the first row in the upper left corner of the 3×3 crafting table.
Shulker Box
These portable chests are craftable in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table. All it takes to craft a shulker box is 1 chest and 2 shulker shells.
Shulker Boxes are used to store and transport items placed in them. This makes it a handy box to have in your world, and on top of that, when a shulker box is broken, it keeps the items placed in it secure and can be retrieved again when players craft and place another shulker Box down.
To make a Shulker Box, place 1 chest in the middle or second box on the second row and 1 shulker shell on top and under it in the second box on the first row and the second box and the third row, respectively.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli can be obtained in 3 methods. It can be found and gathered in Minecraft and crafted on a crafting table and in a furnace or blast furnace. It requires a pickaxe to be mined/ gathered. A block of Lapis Lazuli to be crafted needs 1 coal and 1 block of Lapis lazuli in a furnace or blast furnace.
Lapis lazuli is used as an enchanting mineral ingredient as well as decoration. A few pieces of Lapis lazuli can enchant armor, tools, and weapons on an enchanting table. Lapis lazuli can also be crafted back into Lapis lazuli blocks for decoration.
The first way to obtain it is to look around for it underground. It is usually found in tiny quantities and will take players a while to gather.
The second way is crafting it on a crafting table, in a 3×3 crafting grid, by placing 1 block of Lapis lazuli in the top left-hand corner of the first row. This gives 9 pieces of Lapis Lazuli. The third method is placing it in a furnace with 1 piece of coal as fuel.
Cyan Concrete
Cyan Concrete can be crafted in two ways. It’s is formed when 1 pink dyed concrete powder and 1 bucket of water are combined or when 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 pink dye are placed together on a crafting table.
Cyan Concrete blocks are one of the 16 concrete blocks used as a building material and decorative block.
It is very easy to make. It takes a few steps with the help of 1 cyan dyed concrete powder and a bucket of water. Players simply have to place down the cyan-dyed concrete powder blocks and add a bucket of water on top of the concrete powder, then remove the water with the bucket by tapping on the concrete powder you first placed the water on top of.
The second method to make Cyan Concrete blocks is by crafting it on a crafting table, in a 3×3 crafting grid from 4 sand blocks, 4 gravel blocks, and 1 cyan dye.
Cyan Dye
Cyan Dye is crafted on a crafting table. 2 different materials can craft Cyan Dye: 1 green dye and 1 blue dye combined.
Like all dyes, Cyan Dye is used to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars and gunpowder.
The only method to craft Cyan Dye is by placing 1 blue dye in the upper left corner on the first row and 1 green dye right beside the blue one.
Minecraft Crafting Guide of Cookie
Cookies are craftable on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid. To craft cookies, 2 wheat and 1 cocoa are required. Cookies are quite inexpensive and easy to make.
Cookies are a food source, though they do not replenish your food meter as fast as other foods. They can be crafted in large quantities, and the more players intake, the more the food meter goes up. And can also be used to kill parrots and receive poison particles by feeding them to parrots.
On a crafting table, in a 3×3 crafting grid, place 1 cocoa bean in the middle box (second box) on the second row and place 1 wheat on the left side of the cocoa beans and 1 wheat on the right side the cocoa beans. Following the exact pattern shown below in the image, players can craft 8 cookies at a time.
Minecraft Crafting Guide of Book
A Book only requires 2 materials to craft it, namely 3 papers and 1 leather. It is craftable in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table.
Books are an essential item to own. Players use them for crafting different items such as bookshelves, books, and quills and on crafting tables and enchanting tables to help craft and enchant items. It is also one of the primary materials to craft enchanting tables.
To craft a Book, place 3 papers in the top row filling all three boxes, and place 1 leather below it on the second row in the first box on the left. The exact pattern is below.
Leads, also known as leashes. Players can craft it in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table with the help of 2 materials. 1 slimeball and 4 strings crafted to make 2 Leads.
We only use Leads or leashes to lead pets, hoglins, zoglins, utility mobs, and passive mobs.
In a conclusion, In a 3×3 crafting grid crafting table, place the first 2 strings in the first and second box on the first row, then add 1 string in the first box on the left on the second, and place the last string in the last box (third box) of the third row with the 1 slimeball in the center (second box) of the second row. Look at the image below to see the exact pattern.
It requires 7 cobblestone blocks and 1 Redstone dust to craft Dropper in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table.
The Dropper is a particular Redstone utensil similar to hoppers and dispensers, as droppers can transfer different items into chests or other containers when Redstone signals activate it. In other words, this is its purpose in the Minecraft world.
The pattern to make a Dropper is in the image below. To craft a Dropper in a 3×3 crafting grid, on a crafting table, place 1 Redstone dust in the middle or second box on the third row and place all 7 cobblestone blocks around it, leaving the middlebox (second box) on the second row empty.
Item Frame
These Item Frames require 8 sticks and 1 leather to craft on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid.
Item Frames are decorative items. So we primarily use them to display blocks, plants, trees, fences, slabs, walls, doors, chests, and pressure plates.
To craft Item Frames on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid, players must place 1 leather in the center or second box on the second row and then place all 8 sticks around the leather in the remaining boxes. See the image below in this Minecraft crafting guide.
Green Dye
There is only 1 method and 1 material that can craft Green Dye. It comes from 1 cactus placed in a furnace with the help of fuel such as coal.
Like all dyes, We use Green Dye to dye sheep, wool, wolves collars, beds, glass, terracotta, shulker boxes, leather armor, carpets, cat collars, firework stars, and gunpowder. In a conclusion, the only method to craft Green Dye is by placing 1 cactus plant in the furnace and 1 piece of coal as fuel. Check the image below.
Magma Cream
We need two materials to craft magma cream: 1 slimeball and 1 blaze powder on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid.
Its primary purpose is to brew potions. In other words, Magma cream is a crucial ingredient in potions of fire resistance, mundane potion, and magma blocks. Besides the Minecraft crafting guide, we also provide a Minecraft potion guide. Tap on it if you need to.
In conclusion, we can put 1 slimeball on the top row in the second box (middle box) and 1 blaze powder right beneath the slimeball in the second box on the second row in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table. The pattern to create Magma Cream is below.
Magma Block
Magma blocks occur naturally in the overworld and in the Nether, but we can also craft it on a crafting table in a 3×3 crafting grid with 1 key material, magma cream. 4 magma creams make 1 Magma block.
We use the light-emitting block as a light source in Minecraft. Magma blocks are very similar to Lava and can also be used as a defensive mechanism since these blocks cause damage to most things that stand on them, such as mobs and players. However, there are a few mobs these blocks don’t harm, namely guardian mobs and shulkers. Moreover, with a potion of fire resistance, players can be immune to the harm from Magma blocks.
On your crafting table, in the 3×3 crafting grid, place 4 magma cream in 4 boxes, 1 in the first box in the left-hand corner on the first row and 1 Magma cream right next to the first one, and 2 magma cream right below the first two creams. Look at the image below to see the exact pattern.
Block of Clay
We can find Blocks of Clay in shallow waters where there is sand or dirt by the water or coast. Meanwhile, we can craft Clay blocks in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table with the help of 4 clay pieces.
Players use a block of Clay as a building block in the Minecraft world, moreover, we can also use it to craft terracotta when smelted in a furnace with the help of coal or wood acting as the fuel in the furnace. On the other hand, we can use Clay blocks to produce “flute” sounds when placing them underneath note blocks.
The image shows the pattern to craft a block of Clay below. Players must place 2 clay in the first row, 1 clay in the first box, and 1 clay in the second box, and on the second row, 1 clay in the first box and 1 clay in the second box.
Firstly, we can craft Paper in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table with sugarcane as its 1 and only crafting material. 3 sugarcanes make 3 Papers. Then, Paper is a crucial item to have in the game. Therefore, we use it to craft quite a few items worldwide, such as books, maps, firework rockets, cartography tables, and banners.
On a crafting table, in a 3×3 crafting grid, place 3 sugarcanes in the second row filling all 3 boxes just like the pattern in the image shown below. With this pattern, players will receive 3 Papers in their inventory in other words.
A comprehensive guide to Minecraft
- Day One in Minecraft Free
- The First Night in Minecraft Free
- Underground Mining in Minecraft Free
- Minecraft Farm
- Minecraft House Tutorial – Minecraft Builds
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- Minecraft Commands List
- Enchantments Guide
- Crafting Guide Recipes