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Top Web Design Trends This Year

Every year, the standards for what people look for in websites change. Like every other industry, competition is fierce to produce the best sites in any given industry, and people are constantly looking for ways to innovate.

This year is no different. 2024 is full of exciting new trends that are helping to shape the future of the web. Let’s take a look at what some of the top trends of the day are.


Not all of the current trends made their first appearance on the Internet during this calendar year. Some have been building over the course of the last few years. Nonetheless, these are definitely the trends of the day. If you have an interest in a particular type of web design and aren’t sure how to make it work, you might want to hire .net developers to help you out. Real professionals know exactly how to depict the things you want to make your site work.

Greater use of AI

AI is the name of the day in all industries, and web design is no exception. Web developers are using AI tools in everything from creating design workflows to image and video creation to wireframes.

You can no longer get by without the use of AI. Although there is still some concern among the general public about the authenticity of some of the things that AI represents, its near ubiquity is helping to alleviate these fears. Increasingly, when the public sees that AI is simply used to enhance a known brand’s products or services, they start to become more comfortable with it in general.

The ultimate result of these trends is that people are increasingly accepting the fact that human designers need to work together with AI in order to produce a truly functional website. As time goes by and people become more accustomed to this fact, AI will continue to be used for the most productive possible ends.


Maximalism is an intriguing trend that seems to be in contradiction to the way that design has been moving in recent years. Marketers and web designers have generally been moving in the direction of eliminating visual elements so as to make more clear statements to potential consumers.

Maximalism doesn’t necessarily imply adding large numbers of different elements, but rather exemplifying particular ones. For example, particular types of colors, graphics, and typography have become trendy in recent web design. Have you ever heard of “dopamine colors?” What this refers to is the use of large amounts of red, orange, and yellow that are said to stimulate dopamine (ie, make people happy). The trend is increasing, so it probably works…

Similarly, loud graphics and big, bold typography are design trends of late. Web designers want potential customers to hear them, and making clear, loud statements is said to be the way to do this.


Brand worldbuilding

This may sound like a bold statement, and it is. Web designers are moving beyond simply creating isolated features of websites, apps, and social media platforms. Rather they are using holistic design approaches to cover all aspects of a given company’s channels. In doing this, web designers are not only creating common features of these various channels, but they are integrating them with one another so that users have a seamless experience in navigating through their platforms on different devices.

Another interesting feature of brand worldbuilding is that it utilizes input from users into its strategy. When web designers use this approach, they allow for feedback from users to help shape the future state of companies’ communications channels. This is also known as omnichannel marketing.

Dial-up design

Another design trend that looks like a move into the past is dial-up design. Remember the days of dial-up Internet? There’s a fair amount of nostalgia for these early days among certain circles, and in others it is considered hip and retro.

Some of the things that designers are doing include using low-fi social assets that speak of MS Paint, Geocities, and other early-era net functions. Even quality memes are said to fall into this category, and there’s no question that meme usage is continuously on the rise.

Whether you are working on a desktop or mobile app, it is important to ensure that everything is in good working order. Therefore, employing the services of professionals is critical.

Spiff up your site today

If you’re not yet using these design elements in your company site, you should. Consciously or not, consumers are looking for these elements when they get online these days. Therefore, it would be to your benefit to invest in the design services of people that are up to speed on the current trends.

You don’t want your business falling behind because you stuck to last year’s standards in your web development. If you have just as good of a product or service to offer as your competitors, prove it. Get your site up to speed and show the public what you’re made of.

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