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Play the Super Stylist game and do Fashion Makeover on characters


If you are interested in fashion styling game, then this super stylist game of helping role-do Fashion Makeover is definitely for you. Before you start playing this game, you should know some useful information about this game.

Super Stylist gameplay

Super Stylist game is a fashion-themed role-playing game (RPG) where players take on the role of a stylist who must build their reputation by styling clients for various events. The gameplay involves managing a fashion boutique, keeping up with the latest trends, and making clients look their best. Here’s a more detailed look at the gameplay elements:

Core Gameplay:

  • Client Appointments: Players receive appointments from clients, each with specific styling needs based on their event or preferences.
  • Event Matching: You must choose outfits, hairstyles, makeup, and accessories that match the theme of the client’s event, such as dates, parties, or red-carpet events.
  • Fashion Inventory: Maintain and update a collection of clothes and accessories to meet the diverse needs of clients.
  • Styling Choices: Select the right combination of items to satisfy clients and earn in-game currency and experience points.

Progression and Goals:

  • Level Up: As you successfully style clients, you earn experience points that help you level up, unlocking new clothing items and accessories.
  • Expand Boutique: Use your earnings to grow your boutique, purchasing new items to keep your inventory fresh and appealing.
  • Fashion Shows: Participate in fashion shows to showcase your styling skills and gain more recognition.

Social and Multiplayer Aspects:

  • Social Media: In the game, you can use a fictional social media platform to share your clients’ looks and gain followers, which helps to build your stylist reputation.
  • Player Interaction: Connect with other players, visit their boutiques, and compete in style challenges.


In-Game Currency: The game uses in-game currency for transactions, which can be earned through styling sessions or purchased with real money.

Energy System: Certain actions consume energy, which replenishes over time or can be refilled using in-game currency or real money.


Personal Styling: Players can also style their own avatar, choosing from the latest fashion trends and creating unique looks.

Challenges and Rewards:

Daily Challenges: Regular challenges provide opportunities to earn extra rewards.
Client Satisfaction: Achieving high levels of client satisfaction can lead to bigger tips and a better reputation.

Super Stylist caters to players who enjoy fashion, styling, and RPG elements that involve character and business progression. It’s available on mobile platforms and offers a blend of creativity, strategy, and management as players work to become a top stylist in the game’s virtual fashion world.

super stylist game

Tips and guides to play Super Stylist game

To excel in Super Stylist game, it’s important to balance creativity with strategy. Here are some tips and guides to help you succeed as a top fashion stylist in the game:

Understand your clients:

  • Listen Carefully: Pay attention to each client’s request and the event they’re attending to choose the appropriate outfit and accessories.
  • Client Preferences: Each client has their own style preferences and budget, so select items that fit their taste and price range.

Manage your resources:

  • Budget Wisely: Keep an eye on your budget when shopping for new items. It’s important to have a variety of styles in your inventory, but you also don’t want to run out of money.
  • Energy Management: Plan your actions to make the most of your energy. Prioritize clients and events that offer the best rewards.

Expand your wardrobe intelligently:

  • Versatile Pieces: Invest in versatile clothing that can be used for multiple events and client requests.
  • Trendy Items: Stay updated with the latest trends to keep your clients happy and increase your reputation.

Optimize your time:

  • Efficiency is Key: Complete tasks and style clients efficiently to maximize your earnings and grow your business.
  • Use Boosts: If you have boosts or power-ups, use them strategically during busy times or for high-reward events.

Engage with the game’s social features:

  • Social Media Posts: Share your clients’ looks on the in-game social media to attract more followers and clients.
  • Compete in Style Battles: Participate in style battles to test your skills against other players and win special items.

Customize your boutique:

  • Attract Clients: Upgrade your boutique’s look to attract higher-end clients. A more appealing boutique can lead to more lucrative styling opportunities.
  • Organize Your Space: Keep your boutique organized so you can easily find the items you need for each client.

Pay attention to feedback:

  • Client Feedback: Use client feedback to improve your styling choices in future appointments.
  • Learn from Mistakes: If a look doesn’t go over well, learn what went wrong to avoid similar mistakes.

Stay active:

  • Daily Challenges: Log in daily to take advantage of challenges and rewards that can help you progress faster.
  • Regular Play: Regularly playing the game will help you become more familiar with its mechanics and improve your styling strategies.

How to get a higher rating in the Super Stylist game

super stylist game

Pay attention to client requests:

  • Match the Event Theme: Always select outfits that match the theme of the event your client is attending.
  • Client Preferences: Take note of the client’s personal style and preferences, and choose items that cater to those tastes.

Upgrade your wardrobe:

  • Diverse Collection: Keep a wide range of styles and colors in your wardrobe to meet the varied demands of clients.
  • Quality Items: Invest in high-quality items when possible, as they can lead to better client satisfaction and ratings.

Focus on details:

  • Complete Looks: Don’t forget accessories, shoes, and bags to complete each outfit. A full look can significantly boost your rating.
  • Hairstyles and Makeup: Ensure the hairstyle and makeup complement the outfit and event to impress clients and earn higher ratings.

Keep up with trends:

  • Stay Updated: Follow the in-game trends and make sure your wardrobe includes trendy items to get bonus points from clients.

Manage time efficiently:

  • Prompt Service: Serve your clients promptly and efficiently to keep them happy, which can positively affect your rating.

Use boosts wisely:

  • Boost Items: Use boost items strategically to enhance your performance and satisfy clients more effectively.

Engage in social media:

  • In-Game Posts: Share your styled looks on the game’s social media to gain followers, which can lead to a higher stylist rating.

Learn from feedback:

  • Client Reactions: Observe your clients’ reactions to your choices and adjust future selections based on their feedback.

Decorate your boutique:

  • Atmosphere: Create a welcoming and stylish boutique environment, as this can influence client happiness and ratings.

Compete in style battles:

  • Challenge yourself: Participate in style battles to test your skills and improve your ability to put together winning looks.

Review your inventory:

  • Audit regularly: Periodically review your inventory to remove outdated items and replace them with more fashionable pieces.

Balance creativity with practicality:

  • Client Budget: While being creative is important, make sure to respect the client’s budget to avoid negative ratings.

By focusing on these aspects and consistently delivering outstanding styling services, you should see an improvement in your ratings within Super Stylist. Remember that practice and experience are key, so keep styling and learning from each client interaction.

What’s more, you can also try this Super Stylist cheats for IAP free with Panda Helper to help you play this game better.

Download Super Stylist cheats for IAP free with Panda Helper
Play the Super Stylist game and do Fashion Makeover on characters

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