An N64 “Super Mario 64” game cassette was sold for $1.56 million
According to IGN, a copy of the N64’s Super Mario 64 game was recently sold on an auction site for a staggering $1.56 million!
It is reported that this N64 "Super Mario 64" game cassette, which was auctioned on the Heritage Auctions website, ended up with a price of $1.56 million, surpassing the previous FC version of "The Legend of Zelda" auction record of $870,000 on the website.
The ability to sell for such a high price is partly due to the outstanding quality of Super Mario 64 itself as a game and its leading position in the history of 3D action games, and another important reason is that this N64 cassette received a Wata 9.8 A++ rating, a value that means that this cassette, which was released in 1996, remains almost in the same mint condition as when it was released.
From the previous similar auction activities, you can see many of Nintendo’s classic games can sell at high prices, if there are still well-preserved old games at home, you may also want to save, maybe one day become a millionaire it?