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      Darts Keeper

      Darts Keeper

      • Sizes: 17.48MB
      • Version: 1.4
      • Update: 2023-06-13
      Install by Apple Store

      Darts Keeper Screenshot

      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper

      Darts Keeper Description

      This app is your fastest way to start recording a game of Cricket & X01 darts! ** NO ADS EVER ** Looking to get started right away? Simply open the app, select the game you want to play, add any additional players and hit play! The score and miscellaneous stats will be tracked through out the game as you record them! To see the stats for each player during the game hit the information button in the upper right hand corner of either game mode. You can change your player's name and color from the home screen! NOTE: The color of player 1 and player 2 will dictate the color scheme of the rest of the app when use color is on. **Cricket Features** - Easy and intuitive undo functionality to glide through accidental touches - Early winner detection - Reset the game without having to return to the home page - Fun UI/UX utilizing dice and padlocks to represent how many times a player has hit a point and if that point is opened or closed. - Dynamic theme based on Player 1 and Player 2 color **X01 Features** - Easily fix mistakes with the ability to change a Player's score. - Enter your points in bulk with the MultiDartEntry screen. Simply tap the target at the top to use. - Dynamic theme based on Player1's and Player2's colors - Support for up to 4 players. - Fun stats like Points Per Turn and Highest Turn etc. If you have any feed back, good, bad, rude, etc, please leave a comment and I will address it as soon as possible! Thank you and I hope this app enhances your dart games :) If you would be interested in helping test beta builds, please go to

      Darts Keeper Information

      Name Darts Keeper

      Category Games

      Developer Cory Sebastian

      Version 1.4

      Update 2023-06-13

      Languages EN

      Size 17.48MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 16.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper
      Darts Keeper



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