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      Baby Panda: My Kindergarten

      Baby Panda: My Kindergarten

      • Sizes: 47.33 MB
      • Version:
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

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      Welcome to my kindergarten! You can experience great fun: handcraft, have music lessons, meet new friends, learn good habits. Are you ready? Let's start your journey!

      Learn to make handcrafts
      Are you a little fan of handcraft? Learn how to make handcrafted cars with the kindergarten teacher! Cut a carton and fold it into the shape of a car; put on wheels, windows, and lights. The handcrafted car is ready! Don't forget to color and decorate the handcrafted car!

      Take music lessons
      Be creative and DIY glass bottle instrument! Pour water into glass bottles, drop in paint to color the water, and make colorful glass bottles. Fix the glass bottles on the wooden shelf to assemble them into a musical instrument. Then knock on the instrument to play soothing music and show your musical talent!

      Meet new friends
      At kindergarten, you will meet new friends and play games together: make sandcastles, play swings, blow bubbles...You can also play hide-and-seek with friends. Take a close look and find where they are hiding. Under the slide? Behind the big tree? Or in the ocean balls?

      Learn good habits
      Eat by yourself and wash hands before meals; develop the good habit of taking a nap after lunch, keep your voice down and walk slowly; put your things away and learn to stand in line. Do you know these good habits? Come to my kindergarten. Learn more good habits and become a kid of good manners!

      What are you waiting for? Come to experience and accustom to the kindergarten life. Get to enjoy and love kindergarten!

      About BabyBus
      At BabyBus, we dedicate ourselves to sparking kids' creativity, imagination and curiosity,and designing our products through the kids' perspective to help them explore the world on their own.

      Now BabyBus offers a wide variety of products, videos and other educational content for over 400 million fans from ages 0-8 around the world! We have released over 200 children's educational apps, over 2500 episodes of nursery rhymes and animations of various themes spanning the Health, Language, Society, Science, Art and other fields.

      Contact us: [email protected]
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      Name Baby Panda: My Kindergarten

      Category GAMES

      Developer babybus


      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 47.33 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.2+

      Root Needed No Need



      554 Ratings

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