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      Baby & Mom - Pregnancy Idle 3D Simulator

      Baby & Mom - Pregnancy Idle 3D Simulator

      • Sizes: 78.08 MB
      • Version: 1.6.2
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

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      The most fun pregnancy games simulator game you'll ever play! Get ready to take care of a baby – virtually! Take on the role of mommy in this pregnancy and baby simulator game. Play through 9 months of pregnancy and raise a virtual baby!
      Let's look at what's inside this awesome 3D simulator game:
      Idle pregnancy adventure game. Play from conception to birth. Then become a mom to a virtual game baby.
      Take care of a virtual pregnant mom. Tap to make sure she sleeps lots and eats plenty. Do exercise and play too.
      Discover pregnancy secrets. How big is a baby at one months' old in pregnancy? A seed? A peach? Find out in the game!
      Make a new home for mom and baby.
      Watch that simulator baby grow! Play, feed, change, repeat. Follow rules and be an awesome in-game mom.
      Give virtual birth in the 3D game to a lovely baby boy or girl.
      Care for the virtual baby. Play mom and make bottles. But, thankfully those stinky diapers are digital too.
      Watch your simulator baby grow and become an awesome little human!
      ‍‍‍ Take care of a virtual family! Play house, change diapers and more in this awesome virtual mother simulator game.
      Time to rock being a mommy in the best pregnancy simulator game around. Let's play Pregnancy Idle 3D!


      Name Baby & Mom - Pregnancy Idle 3D Simulator

      Category GAMES

      Developer alex game

      Version 1.6.2

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 78.08 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need



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