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      Topo Maps

      Topo Maps

      • Sizes: 112.24MB
      • Version: 1.19
      • Update: 2023-04-18
      Install by Apple Store

      Topo Maps Screenshot

      Topo Maps
      Topo Maps
      Topo Maps
      Topo Maps
      Topo Maps

      Topo Maps Description

      * View over 70,000 Natural Resources Canada 1:50,000 and USGS 1:24,000 topographical maps on your iPhone or iPod touch. * Ideal for hiking and other backcountry activities. * Map downloads are FREE! * More than 16 million maps downloaded so far! - iPad owners, please see the app "Topo Maps for iPad". * Users write: " I've bought all the topo map apps and I like this the best " " Scans are gorgeous ... the interface is exceptionally clean " " Downloading maps is easy and fast ... Map displays beautifully and zooms flawlessly " * Includes Canada (at 1:50,000), the contiguous US (at 1:24,000), Alaska (at 1:24,000 and 1:63,360), Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. * Locate the maps you need on the satellite view. To install a map, touch for about half a second. Touch again to view it. * Search by name for over a million towns, peaks, lakes, parks and other features. * No network connection is needed once the maps have been installed. * Mark waypoints, and import and export waypoint files in GPX, KML and CSV formats. * Touch the "current location" button to see where you are, and the compass button to align the map with the ground. * See coordinates in NAD27 or WGS84 degrees, degrees minutes and seconds, UTM, or MGRS formats. * Measure distances (miles, feet and km) and bearings (true and magnetic). The Maps: This app uses high-quality scans of the traditional USGS and NRCan topographic maps which have been the definitive resource for hikers and other backcountry users for many years. You can make the terrain stand out with hill shading, using simulated sunlight from the direction of your choice. In the U.S., this app does not use the new "US Topo" maps because they do not show hiking trails and lack other details: please see the web site for more details. Downloading: US maps are around 8 MB in size and download in a few seconds on a typical home broadband connection. Canadian maps are larger. Both cellular data and WiFi can be used, though WiFi is likely to be more reliable in most cases. - Do please visit for complete instructions, so that you don't miss any features. We have many ideas for additional features to add to future versions of this app; if you have ideas or other questions or comments, contact details can be found on the website, The website also has more screenshots and other information.

      Topo Maps Information

      Name Topo Maps

      Category Navigation

      Developer Mappendix Limited

      Version 1.19

      Update 2023-04-18

      Languages EN

      Size 112.24MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Topo Maps
      Topo Maps
      Topo Maps
      Topo Maps
      Topo Maps



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