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      Stay - Userscript Extension

      Stay - Userscript Extension

      • Sizes: 9.24MB
      • Version: 2.3.4
      • Update: 2022-10-27
      Install by Apple Store

      Stay - Userscript Extension Screenshot

      Stay - Userscript Extension
      Stay - Userscript Extension
      Stay - Userscript Extension
      Stay - Userscript Extension
      Stay - Userscript Extension

      Stay - Userscript Extension Description

      Stay is a new generation browser script manager on Safari. It supports both native scripts and tampermonkey and violentmonkey scripts. ** Available for iPhone, iPad, Mac ** # What can userscripts do? Userscripts with Safari extension are very rich in functions. After installing userscripts, your Safari can have functions such as auto paging for search, translation, picture-in-picture, dark mode, removing ads and purifying web pages, donwloading pictures and videos, etc. # What extra functionality does Stay provide besides managing scripts? - Support script automatic update - You don't need to pay attention to script update yourself, Stay will automatically update to the latest version for you. - Manual execution - script can be executed once in Safari. - Black and white list - Set the webpage on which the script takes effect. # Unlock Pro features - iCloud sync - Sync multi-devices scripts and settings, and the operation of one deivce is unified across the entire platform. - Web page dark mode - Extremely fast optimization, no splash screen to achieve web page darkness. # Write script With Stay's built-in script editor, you can easily write your own browser extension scripts and run them through Stay. When you open the Safari browser, you can also debug through the Stay console panel. # Import script Stay provides multiple ways to import existing browser extension scripts - Import from []( As the most active script market, you can find a lot of interesting scripts here. - Import from link If you know the download link of the script, you can also import the script through the download link. - Import from local file If you have already collected some scripts locally, you can choose to import them this way. # Script market In addition to writing and importing scripts by yourself, Stay will also develop and collect some excellent scripts, so that you can understand and use browser extension scripts as soon as possible. If you are new to browser scripting, starting with Stay's built-in Script market is a good choice. # Open source For the function of the script manager, Stay is 100% open source to users, and has also been recognized by many users. Privacy policy: Terms of Use: Welcome to our Github For questions, please follow our official account on Twitter @stayfork. Welcome to the telegram group

      Stay - Userscript Extension Information

      Name Stay - Userscript Extension

      Developer yin shen

      Version 2.3.4

      Update 2022-10-27

      Languages EN,JA,ZH,ZH

      Size 9.24MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 15.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Stay - Userscript Extension
      Stay - Userscript Extension
      Stay - Userscript Extension
      Stay - Userscript Extension
      Stay - Userscript Extension



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