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      Shredder Chess

      Shredder Chess

      • Sizes: 30.24MB
      • Version: 1.11.0
      • Update: 2021-02-21
      Install by Apple Store

      Shredder Chess Screenshot

      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess

      Shredder Chess Description

      Shredder, the most successful chess program ever, is now also available for the iPhone. You can play against Shredder, analyze with him and solve chess puzzles. It offers the usual Shredder standard for your pocket. In addition to the outstanding playing strength of the 12 times computer chess world champion, Shredder is also able to mimic the play of a human chess player with any playing strength. He even deliberately makes typical human mistakes in those levels. Solve 1000 built in chess puzzles. Shredder keeps track of your performance and offers advice if needed. You can adjust Shredder’s playing strength from beginner to master level. If you like, Shredder automatically adjusts his strength to yours. He even calculates an Elo rating for you. This is how the playing strength of chess players is typically measured. During the game a coach is watching your moves and warns you if you are about to make a mistake. See how you are getting better and better the more games you play and the more chess puzzles you solve. * Adjustable playing strength * Intuitive and very easy to operate * 1000 built in chess puzzles * See your rating in a diagram * Outstanding playing strength on the iPhone * Analyse your games with Shredder, find your mistakes and improve your play * Coach shows your mistakes * Different playing styles from passive to aggressive * Great variety: opening book with more than one million moves * Enter and analyze any position you like * Load and save games (incl. names, date, etc.) * Send games via email * Different chess boards and pieces * Support for VoiceOver / Accessibility * Improve your play whenever and wherever you like Also check out our highly refined version for iPad.

      Shredder Chess Information

      Name Shredder Chess

      Category Games

      Developer Eiko Bleicher,

      Version 1.11.0

      Update 2021-02-21

      Languages EN,DE

      Size 30.24MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 10.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess
      Shredder Chess



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