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      Saturn - Time Together

      Saturn - Time Together

      • Sizes: 110.66MB
      • Version: 7.37.0
      • Update: 2022-11-03
      Install by Apple Store

      Saturn - Time Together Description

      Saturn helps you manage your time so you can spend it doing things you love with the people who matter most. See what friends are doing in real-time, chat with them, organize events, and share schedules all in one place. ■ The first calendar built around your classes, clubs, teams, and friends’ schedules. ■ Create and discover events in your community. Easily manage your club meetings, team practices, sports games, parties, hang-outs, and personal events. ■ Share schedules with your friends to see what they are up to in real-time, what they have coming up, and to make plans. ■ Chat with friends, teammates, and groups. Our high school experience is only supported for 9-12th grade students right now, but we're working on creating new experiences for our non-high school users - check back soon!

      Saturn - Time Together Information

      Name Saturn - Time Together

      Category Social Networking

      Developer Saturn Technologies Inc.

      Version 7.37.0

      Update 2022-11-03

      Languages EN

      Size 110.66MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 14.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Saturn - Time Together Screenshot

      Saturn - Time Together
      Saturn - Time Together
      Saturn - Time Together
      Saturn - Time Together
      Saturn - Time Together
      Saturn - Time Together
      Saturn - Time Together



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