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      Oblique Strategies SE

      Oblique Strategies SE

      • Sizes: 25.15MB
      • Version: 7.7
      • Update: 2023-05-08
      Install by Apple Store

      Oblique Strategies SE Screenshot

      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE

      Oblique Strategies SE Description

      "Oblique Strategies" is a concept developed by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt to help artists overcome creative blocks through lateral thinking. It consists of a deck of cards, each one containing a vague or ambiguous phrase that can be used to solve a problem intuitively, by breaking conventional thinking patterns and interpreting it from a new perspective. This app aims to translate the essence of the original cards deck into a digital experience, making it accessible to a wider audience. It contains the original edition, as well as the newer decks, presenting them in a sleek minimalist style inspired by the original design of the cards. The user interface is simple and straightforward, built to encourage creative or design thinking without distracting from the process. The home screen widget on iOS 14 allows reading a new quote every day without opening the application. The Apple Watch version can run independently without needing the app installed on your iPhone. With VoiceOver, anyone with a visual impairment can have the Oblique Strategies phrase read to them. Long tap the screen to have the last sentence read to you again. Also, you can shake the iPhone for a new sentence.

      Oblique Strategies SE Information

      Name Oblique Strategies SE

      Category Productivity

      Developer Nicolae Gherasim

      Version 7.7

      Update 2023-05-08

      Languages EN

      Size 25.15MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 12.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE
      Oblique Strategies SE



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