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      MyScript Calculator

      MyScript Calculator

      • Sizes: 13.60MB
      • Version: 2.0.8
      • Update: 2022-04-25
      Install by Apple Store

      MyScript Calculator Screenshot

      MyScript Calculator
      MyScript Calculator
      MyScript Calculator
      MyScript Calculator
      MyScript Calculator

      MyScript Calculator Description

      The new MyScript© Calculator 2 makes daily math fun and easy! Calculator 2 turns your device into an interactive piece of paper. Simply write a calculation and it gets you the result in real time. Develop it further with editing gestures or by adding new elements anywhere. Reuse previous results with drag and drop. Calculator 2 interprets everything you do on the fly. Calculator 2 is based on MyScript Interactive Ink®, the next step for digital ink. It is the successor of the award-winning first handwriting calculator. BENEFITS AND FEATURES · Write calculations in an intuitive and natural way without a keyboard. · Erase easily by using scratch-out gestures to remove symbols and numbers. · Drag and drop numbers from and to the canvas, the memory bar or to an external app. · Copy your results to the clipboard or export them to other apps. · Fractions: Display results using decimals, fractions or mixed numbers. · Multi-line: Continue the same calculation on the next line or write several calculations on multiple lines. · Memory: Save results into memory. Reuse them anytime in your calculations. · History: Retrieve all your past calculations to reuse or export. SUPPORTED OPERATORS · Basic operations: +, -, ×, ÷, /, ·, : · Powers, roots, exponentials: 7², √, ∛, e³ · Miscellaneous operations: %, |5|, 3! · Brackets: ( ) · Trigonometry: sin, cos, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth · Inverse trigonometry: asin, acos, atan, acot, arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccot, acosh, asinh, atanh, acoth, arcosh, arsinh, artanh, arcoth · Logarithms: ln, log · Constants: π, e, phi

      MyScript Calculator Information

      Name MyScript Calculator

      Category Productivity

      Developer MyScript

      Version 2.0.8

      Update 2022-04-25

      Languages EN,FR,DE,IT,JA,KO,PT,RU,ZH,ES,ZH

      Size 13.60MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 13.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      MyScript Calculator
      MyScript Calculator
      MyScript Calculator
      MyScript Calculator
      MyScript Calculator



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