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      Dancing Puppets

      Dancing Puppets

      • Sizes: 268.76MB
      • Version: 1.1
      • Update: 2021-05-15
      Install by Apple Store

      Dancing Puppets Description

      Dancing Puppets, the game for childrens. Various characters dancing in cartoon theme with different background songs. You can change your hero , the currently background and the song with the buttons in the footer of your screen. This game is dedicated to childhood and younger children. Few and swift interactions in swipe with the character permit the user to change the dance steps and make this little show of musical entertainment a bit interactive so as to allow children to begin to understand how to interact with the phone. You can choose between the two version: 1) free with 1 character, 3 theme song and 3 background 2) premium edition with 6 characters, 13 theme songs and 23 backgrounds

      Dancing Puppets Information

      Name Dancing Puppets

      Category Games

      Developer Alessandro Ornano

      Version 1.1

      Update 2021-05-15

      Languages EN

      Size 268.76MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 12.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Dancing Puppets Screenshot

      Dancing Puppets
      Dancing Puppets
      Dancing Puppets
      Dancing Puppets
      Dancing Puppets



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