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      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos

      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos

      • Sizes: 15.9 MB
      • Version: 2.0
      • Update: 2017-09-21
      Install by Panda Helper

      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos Screenshot

      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos
      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos
      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos
      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos

      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos Description

      Ellie's TV gives parents a collection of kid safe YouTube videos or create your own collection. Have confidence letting your child navigate this app knowing there are no ads, external links or related videos for them to accidently click on. You'll only find tons fun, safe, age appropriate shows on Ellie's TV!

      "My 3 year old boy keeps going back to Ellie's TV"

      "I love this app!! I can let the children choose their video and feel assured it is age appropriate and entertaining. So many videos to pick from - keep adding more! Love it!!"

      "I love this app we can use it on a daily basis! My three-year-old feels like she is in control and can browse around as she pleases, and I feel safe that she isn't getting into anything she shouldn't!"

      Shows including: Pixar, Sesame Street, Disney, Yo Gabba Gabba, PBS, Muppets, Word World, Nickelodeon, Baby Einstein and MORE!

      Have a question? Please send it to [email protected]

      Check out Ellie's other games:
      - Toddler Training Tool
      - Math Duel
      - Matching
      - Dot Connector
      - Dot Collector
      - Alphabet Dots
      - Counting Dots
      - Rain Dots
      - Color Squares
      - Color Sliders
      - Vet Island

      **All video content is provided by YouTube and is the property YouTube or the content creator**

      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos Information

      Name Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos

      Category Education

      Developer Ellie's Games, LLC

      Version 2.0

      Update 2017-09-21

      Languages English

      Size 15.9 MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos
      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos
      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos
      Ellie's TV - Kid Safe Videos



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