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      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector

      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector

      • Sizes: 5.70MB
      • Version: 3.4
      • Update: 2017-05-04
      Install by Panda Helper

      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector Screenshot

      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector
      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector
      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector
      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector

      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector Description

      Navigation #1 Best seller in UAE Store

      Radar UAE displays the positioning of speed cameras in United Arab Emirates, as well as your position on the map and the speed you are driving at.


      This application was created in the interests of road safety. it only has but one informative purpose and may not be considered a reliable source of information. The author assumes no liability for any misuse that may be made of it, or in case of change in the positioning of the mentioned above speed cameras. He shall be privileged from arrest or questioning on this issue.

      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector Information

      Name رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector

      Category Navigation

      Developer Mehdi Alioualla

      Version 3.4

      Update 2017-05-04

      Languages English

      Size 5.70MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector
      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector
      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector
      رادار الإمارات - Radar UAE: Speedcam Detector



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