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      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores

      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores

      • Sizes: 462.49MB
      • Version: 1.0.2
      • Update: 2020-08-21
      Install by Panda Helper

      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores Description

      Build, craft, gather resources during the day, and survive monsters and raiders at night in this survival strategy game.
      Sequel to the award-winning game The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands  The Bonfire: Uncharted Shores expands on every aspect of the original and brings greater depth.
      Design your city manage resources chains and workers with unique personalities explore procedurally generated world map in ships trade with free cities and discover mysterious dungeons.
      Build a powerful city and gain magical artifacts to defeat an ancient evil.

      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores Guide


      Build, craft, gather resources during the day, and survive monsters and raiders at night in this survival strategy game.

      Sequel to the award-winning game The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands The Bonfire: Uncharted Shores expands on every aspect of the original and brings greater depth.

      Design your city manage resources chains and workers with unique personalities explore procedurally generated world map in ships trade with free cities and discover mysterious dungeons.

      Build a powerful city and gain magical artifacts to defeat an ancient evil.

      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores Information

      Name The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores

      Category Games

      Developer Xigma Games

      Version 1.0.2

      Update 2020-08-21

      Languages English, Simplified Chinese

      Size 462.49MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores Screenshot

      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores
      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores
      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores
      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores
      The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores



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