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      UkeLib Chords Pro

      UkeLib Chords Pro

      • Sizes: 2.4 MB
      • Version: 1.5
      • Update: 2018-09-29
      Install by Panda Helper

      UkeLib Chords Pro Description

      Explore the vast and comprehensive collection of ukulele chords in UkeLib Chords Pro. Get all the possible positions of any chord throughout the fretboard along with suggested fingering and audio demonstration of how the chord sounds. You can also use the search to quickly get to any chord you are looking for. Whether​ you are just starting to play the ukulele or you are an advanced player, UkeLib Chords would be an invaluable tool for you.

      • Vast and comprehensive chord library for ukulele.
      • Includes suggested fingering for every chord.
      • Browse all the chords for every key.
      • Change the key with simple taps.
      • Search and quickly find any chord in any key.
      • Browse all the possible positions for every chord.
      • Search any chord directly using spotlight.
      • Export any chord as PNG image or MIDI file.

      UkeLib Chords Pro Guide

      Explore the vast and comprehensive collection of ukulele chords in UkeLib Chords Pro. Get all the possible positions of any chord along with suggested fingering and audio demonstration of how the chord sounds at a particular position. Use the built-in search or search right from Spotlight to quickly get to any chord you are looking for. Whether​ you are just starting to play the ukulele or you are an advanced player, UkeLib Chords would be an invaluable tool for you.

      • Vast and comprehensive chord library for ukulele.
      • Includes suggested fingering for every chord.
      • Browse all the chords for every root note.
      • Change the root note with simple taps.
      • Search and quickly find any chord in any key.
      • Browse all the possible positions for every chord.
      • Search any chord directly using Spotlight.
      • Export any chord as a PNG image or MIDI file.
      • Includes a standalone app for Apple Watch.
      • Widgets - Quickly access recently viewed chords.
      • App Clips - Explore any chord in detail without having to install the complete app.
      • Includes support for Dark Mode.

      UkeLib Chords Pro Information

      Name UkeLib Chords Pro

      Category Music

      Developer JSplash Apps

      Version 1.5

      Update 2018-09-29

      Languages English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish

      Size 2.4 MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      UkeLib Chords Pro Screenshot

      UkeLib Chords Pro
      UkeLib Chords Pro
      UkeLib Chords Pro
      UkeLib Chords Pro
      UkeLib Chords Pro
      UkeLib Chords Pro
      UkeLib Chords Pro



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