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      Samurai Story Mod

      Samurai Story Mod

      • Sizes: 53.66 MB
      • Version: 4.2
      • Update: 2024/01/31
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod

      Modified Description



      Japan, the era of samurai, shinobi and frogs eating the rolls. "Samurai Story" is an arcade mobile game. Be quick like ninja and clever like a samurai. Hit the flying arrows, shurikens, spears. Catch the rolls and buy a netsuke. I want you to meet Mr. himura and find out the truth of his province.About the game: 1. Four types of games are "history mode", "free mode", "fruit mode" and "platformer". 2. For the passage of the "story Mode" you need to collect all the tokens. 3. "Story mode" made in the style of comics. 4. Beautiful hand-drawn graphics, 5. Beautiful traditional Japanese music.6. Platformer with elements of metroidvania.


      Name Samurai Story Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer KATbIK STUDIOS

      Version 4.2

      Update 2024/01/31

      Languages English

      Size 53.66 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod
      Samurai Story Mod



      1082 Ratings

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