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      Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod

      Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod

      • Sizes: 47.13 MB
      • Version: 1.8.8
      • Update: 2024/01/31
      Install by Panda Helper

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      Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod
      Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod
      Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod

      Modified Description

      *MOD Features* 1. GOD MODE


      Jelly Shift – Can you slide through?Everybody loves jelly!Jelly can flow and jelly can crash. Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like jelly! In this fast-moving and enormously fun casual platform game the aim is to guide your lovable jelly to the end of each obstacle course in the shortest possible time. Follow the treats and shift up and down to squeeze your jelly between barriers, under bars, and over runners as smoothly and speedily as you can. Only the slipperiest, slinkiest, slidingest jelly will get all the stars!???? Be like jelly!???? ★ Jelly is infinite! This game offers a huge number of levels, each with an obstacle course to navigate made of unique twists and turns, barriers of all sizes, and a variety of other super-sweet features.★ Jelly just gets better! Great rewards—collect diamonds ???? and complete levels to unlock a host of jelly characters including super-cute animals, colorful heroes, and absolute jelly legends.★  Jelly is cool, but jelly is hot! Successfully pass enough obstacles without crashing, and you’ll get jelly fever, and intense burst of color and speed to get you to the end of the level ???? in half the time.★ The nature of jelly is irrepressible! Fast-moving game mechanics—your jelly will have to adapt if it wants to survive out there. Shift up and down like an F1 driver ????️ to save your jelly from bashing its jelly head and bruising its jelly sides, or just slipping away altogether between the runners.★ Jelly has great taste! Glorious colors, cute graphics, fun music and satisfyingly squelchy sound facts make Jelly Shift a wonderful place to be. Slip away from it all into a world of bright jelly joy!★  Jelly is a happy place! Dozens of different environments and 200 obstacle course variations mean you’ll be coming back to Jelly Shift for more and more jelly fun. Let the hours slip away in a riot of jelly joy!★ Jelly just is! Jelly knows no stress or worry, it just slides on, adapting itself to whatever life throws at it. Jelly may crash, but it never stops. It bounces right back and keeps on sliding. And this charming casual game can help teach you to be like jelly!Keep on sliding!Looking for a game that combines character, charm, excitement and chilled fun? Jelly Shift has all this and more in a uniquely squeezy form, with the perfect balance of intuitive gameplay, super-cute environment, and gently challenging levels that keep on adapting and expanding. Download Jelly Shift now and enjoy hours of flexible flowing fun. Be like jelly, my friend!


      Name Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer SayGames

      Version 1.8.8

      Update 2024/01/31

      Languages English

      Size 47.13 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod
      Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod
      Jelly Shift - Obstacle Course Game Mod



      601 Ratings

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