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      Girl Next Door

      Girl Next Door

      • Sizes: 79.12 MB
      • Version: 1.2
      • Update: 2024/01/31
      Install by Panda Helper

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      Girl Next Door
      Girl Next Door
      Girl Next Door


      Your neighbors are running amuck and no one can be trusted! You will be the neighborhood watchdog and it is your job to keep everyone safe! Some people will find you nosy and to keep your nose where it belongs - but you are just doing your civic duty. Cheaters will not be safe. Robbers will get caught! Nothing can get by your watchful eye. You are the girl next door. As you walk around your streets you will come across many different scenarios for you to solve. Can you bust out of jail? Will you help an unexpecting girl catch her boyfriend in the act of cheating? It is up to you to help these poor souls out. Never has being a gossip queen been so much fun! Time to bring people to justice!  Game Features:1.      Make the right choice!Use your detective skills to figure out the best answers in each situation.2.       Many scenarios to play outWhether it is breaking out of jail, or helping uncover a cheater - you will have plenty of scenes to play out and solve.3.        Fun for the whole familyNow you can be an overbearing neighbor with no repercussions. Didn’t you always want to uncover everyone's dirty little secrets?4.       Relax and solve puzzlesDoesn’t matter if you choose wrong - funny scenes will play out either way! Whether you are a fan of puzzlers, word games, trivia games, quiz games, brain teasers, or you just like tattle tailing, then Girl Next Door is the game for you! Visit if have any feedback, need help on beating a level or have any awesome ideas you would like to see in the game!Follow us to get news and updates on our other Award Winning titles;


      Name Girl Next Door

      Category GAMES

      Developer Lion Studios

      Version 1.2

      Update 2024/01/31

      Languages English

      Size 79.12 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Girl Next Door
      Girl Next Door
      Girl Next Door



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