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      Hip Hop Dance School Game

      Hip Hop Dance School Game

      • Sizes: 89.32 MB
      • Version: 1.8.0
      • Update: 2024/04/25
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

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      It's your day! You've just been discovered by the best hip hop talent agent! This game will help you improve your moves, gain fans and show ‘em you're the hottest hip hop dancer! Dress in street style, choreograph your own dance & climb the ranks at the big show!

      LOVE to dance hip hop and want to show the world what you've got? This is the game for you! Hip Hop Dance School will give you the skills to choreograph your moves and STAND OUT on stage! Choose your outfit and crew members for the PERFECT performance! You've got to uphold your star reputation! Impress the judges and work your way UP the competition!

      > Get your dancing shoes on & dance your heart out in this game, at the famous Hip Hop Show!
      > Follow your mentor's instructions as you make a name for yourself in the hip hop scene!
      > Gain mad skills at the dance school as you climb the charts and score awesome prizes!
      > Get inspired by your competitors' dancing clips!
      > Be part of an awesome dance crew and learn to choreograph your own moves at the school!
      > Get a to-die-for makeover and dress up in the coolest hip hop getups!
      > Are you ready for the big show? Get in shape at the gym! Try the cool freeze balance workout!
      > Uh-oh! Dance injury! Go to the doctor and get better! Your crew's counting on you!
      > For the performance of a lifetime, you'll need a great hairstyle! Get your hair done at the salon.
      > After an intense day at dance school, relax yourself at the spa & get rid of any pre-show jitters.
      > Show off your killer hip hop moves while your biggest fans cheer you on!
      > Do your best to impress the judges and get the top score!

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      Name Hip Hop Dance School Game

      Category GAMES

      Developer coco play by tabtale

      Version 1.8.0

      Update 2024/04/25

      Languages English

      Size 89.32 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.1+

      Root Needed No Need



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