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How to Use Educational Apps Safely

Technology is constantly morphing, and the educational sector has taken up what one would term an unconventional approach to learning. Like the option to click on, educational apps are slowly gaining popularity, and teachers, parents, and learners cannot emphasize their effectiveness. However, every good thing has something to grin over, and in this situation, there is the need to know how to use educational apps safely.


As a parent or tutor, you might not pay enough attention to what the learner does while on the educational app. However, there is much to be concerned about, especially since these apps are digital tools that predispose users to malicious attacks.

These tips should help you beef up your security when using educational apps:

1. Reputable Apps

First, a step to ensure that the invested time of the learner on your app is worth having a verified user for your App. And to what end, you might say? Disclaimer: Before we begin, I think it is worth mentioning that anyone and everyone can create an app and upload it to the iOS App Store/ Google Play Store.

App reviews can help you to some extent, though not fully. This is why you need to meet this criteria before downloading the app.

Thorough Research

Scour the internet for user reviews and ratings to better understand the probable concerns related to the app. Do not downplay any concerns.

Developer’s Reputation

Fingers crossed that I introduce you to even more blogs. Be sure to find out about the developer’s history. An educational app developed by a reliable firm.


Before downloading the app, review their permissions to write a review. A good app will not require too many permissions when downloading and installing. It is a red flag if the app asks for location and contacts.

2. Policies

Just in case you have no idea what app policies are, here are the instructions you give to the application when downloading or installing. This is not to be taken lightly since, failing that, you may end up inadvertently selling your data to apps.

Here are some of the tips which could make you easy to understand when it comes to app permissions:

Data Usage

These policies govern how your data will be used.


Data Collection

These policies govern how much access the app has to your data once you agree to the terms and conditions.

Parental Consent

An app designed for use by children should provide the option for parental consent for data collection.

3. Strong Passwords

Most educational apps require the user to create accounts, which require passwords for access. Therefore, creating a strong password to counter unauthorized access is vital.

4. Two-Factor Authorization

Consider two-factor authorization as a second layer of defense to support your password, which should already be strong. Consider these tips when setting up the two-factor authorization:

Enabling It If It Is Available

Choosing a convenient mode for the two-factor authorization

Storing backup codes in an accessible location in case you lose access to your preferred two-factor authorization method.

5. Monitoring

Parents and guardians should monitor the use of these educational applications. These periodic checks should be rigorous to prevent the learner from accidentally installing malware.

6. Awareness

Educate learners and members of the app on safe internet practices. Explain the significance of online privacy and how to handle forms of possible attack or risk.

Regarding online safety, you should also teach your child how to navigate and set privacy settings on the app, stress that it is important not to share personal information online, and show them when they need to report or block.

  • Teaching them how to navigate and adjust privacy settings on the app
  • Emphasizing the significance of not sharing personal data online
  • Teaching them when to report and block inappropriate content and how to go about it

7. Software Updates

Educating the app users about the importance of ensuring the app is updated is paramount. That way, they will understand the importance of allowing software updates and when to accept the update prompts.

8. Secure Networks

One of the most important things you can do to ensure your data is not intercepted by hackers who wish more mischief on any idle mind than this is to stay away from people! Follow these simple rules to maintain the use of secure networks:

  • Always follow the data network in your home with encryption and a good password
  • Avoid spotting on the public net
  • Use unlimited browsing or limited packages for you

9. Data Backup

Regularly backing up your data is essential in preventing data loss likely caused by security breaches. These tips should help counter this issue:

  • Cloud data bac-up services
  • Sign up for cloud services to automatically back up your data and files.
  • External Storage
  • Back up your data on external drives.
  • Regular backups
  • Create a schedule for backing up your data regularly.

10. In-App Purchases

Some educational apps offer in-app purchases. Clicking on these in-app purchases results in additional charges, which, in most cases, are unwarranted. These tips should help you navigate this challenge:

  • Enabling parental controls to avoid these purchases from automatically going through when clicked
  • Using secure payment methods
  • Monitoring online transactions to spot unauthorized transactions
  • Seeking free alternatives within the app

Winding Up

We hope this wraps up the discussion, and as a concluding word of advice, we suggest that similar to keeping yourself safe whilst navigating the internet, using educational apps also demands some effort from your side. These configurations require a specific use case, and while the worst that can happen is more along the lines of crashing a device rather than malicious access to your data, we need secure ways to use these apps.

Make sure to download the app from a trustworthy platform after checking out its reviews and comments of earlier users. You should also be careful about what permissions you grant these apps. After all, you do not want to play with your data given by choice or force. Also, you should regularly update your software and OS.

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