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      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack

      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack

      • Sizes: 150.00MB
      • Version: 4.53
      • Update: 2025-02-20
      Install by Panda Helper

      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack Description

      Hack Features:
      - PREMIUM

      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack Guide

      ◆ 58 MILLION USERS ◆

      Yuka is a free mobile app that allows you to scan the barcodes of food and personal care products and instantly see their impact on your health. A rating and detailed information help you understand the analysis of each product.

      When a product has a negative impact on your health, Yuka also recommends similar but healthier alternative products.


      Yuka is a 100% independent project : product reviews and recommendations of healthier alternatives are done in an objective way. No brand or manufacturer can influence them in one way or another. Furthermore, there is no in-app advertising. You can access detailed information on our business model on our website (


      Yuka established a database that contains 3 million food products and 2 million cosmetic products.

      Each food product is evaluated according to 3 objective criteria: nutritional quality, presence of additives and organic aspect of the product.

      The method to analyse cosmetic products is based on the analysis of all the ingredients of the product. Each ingredient is assigned a risk level according to the latest scientific data.

      Terms of use:

      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack Information

      Name Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack

      Category Games

      Developer Panda Helper

      Version 4.53

      Update 2025-02-20

      Languages English,Chinese

      Size 150.00MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 15.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack Screenshot

      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack
      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack
      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack
      Yuka - Food & Cosmetic Scanner Hack



      1849 Ratings

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