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      Yik Yak

      Yik Yak

      • Sizes: 49.43MB
      • Version: 4.1.7
      • Update: 2023-05-16
      Install by Apple Store

      Yik Yak Description

      On Yik Yak, connect with everyone at your college. All you need to do to get started on Yik Yak is verify your humanity with a valid U.S. phone number. Inside the app, your identity is a secret. This makes it fun and easy to jump into conversations without societal labels! Everyone is equal on Yik Yak. Other people at your college on Yik Yak are your "herd". When you post a message (called a "yak"), it's visible to your herd. You can upvote or downvote yaks to show your like or dislike of the content! To start a conversation around any yak, you can easily comment and start a dialogue. Notifications make it easy to keep up to date with activity. Check out the Nationwide Communities to connect with students across the US around your favorite interests! To keep everyone safe on Yik Yak, make sure you review our Community Guardrails before you get started! It's finally time to Find Your Herd! The yak is back!

      Yik Yak Information

      Name Yik Yak

      Category Social Networking

      Developer Yik Yak, Inc.

      Version 4.1.7

      Update 2023-05-16

      Languages EN

      Size 49.43MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 13.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Yik Yak Screenshot

      Yik Yak
      Yik Yak
      Yik Yak
      Yik Yak
      Yik Yak
      Yik Yak
      Yik Yak



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