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      Trace Table

      Trace Table

      • Sizes: 20.80MB
      • Version: 1.5.1
      • Update: 2023-05-20
      Install by Apple Store

      Trace Table Description

      A simple, effective light box for tracing drawings and artwork. Trace drawings, photos, tattoos, flash, lettering, inking, line work, comics, homework, anything! Trace Table maximizes your screen brightness, so the lines are easy to see. Lock your artwork in place, so your hand doesn’t accidentally move it while you are drawing.* Outline Mode easily adjusts photos to help you see lines more clearly. Features: - MAX brightness management. - Trace artwork from Photos or Camera. - Outline Mode makes it easy. - Resize, move, and rotate artwork. - Flip the artwork for reverses and transfers. - Lock the screen so nothing moves while you’re tracing!* - Home screen swipe protection on iPhone X, XR, XS. “I originally made Trace Table to help my wife draw cartoons on notes to put in our son’s lunchbox. It really helped her drawing confidence and speed. I hope it can help you with your art.” — Kevin Mangan, Trace Table Developer

      Trace Table Information

      Name Trace Table

      Category Photography

      Developer Kevin Mangan

      Version 1.5.1

      Update 2023-05-20


      Size 20.80MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 10.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Trace Table Screenshot

      Trace Table
      Trace Table
      Trace Table
      Trace Table



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