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      • Sizes: 3.33MB
      • Version: 2.56
      • Update: 2021-01-20
      Install by Apple Store

      StitchSketch Description

      Design your own chart for your craft project! StitchSketch was developed by a creator of the popular software program "KG-Chart for Cross Stitch". This mobile version utilizes intuitive "touch" user interface of mobile devices. Features includes: - Design your own chart for craft works such as: Cross Stitch (Crossstitch), Bead Weaving, Iron Beads (Perler(R) Beads), Knitting pattern, Color Knitting, Pixel Art, and more! - This is also suited for drawing "dotted" pictures (Pixel Art), such as icons in low resolution - Convert your photo into a chart - Draw chart with a symbol in a cell - Maximum chart size is 250 x 250 - Pixel & Vector Drawing (Backstitch, Fractional Stitch, Hardanger) - Pinch to zoom - Generic color palette and Color Charts (palette) for: DMC(R), DFT, COSMO, Delica, Toho Best, Perler(R) Beads - Knitting Symbols (Amizu Kigou (JIS)) for designing knitting pattern - Rectangular cell size - Real view to simulate finished image - Undo / Redo - Drawing tools: Pencil, Rectangle, Ellipse, Flood Fill, Text - Selecting Tool: Selection and Cut/Copy/Paste/Rotate/Flip/Stamp - Edit colors and symbols - Save or Email a chart as native format or PNG image - Generate a chart in PDF for emailing or printing. - Organize charts with thumbnails - Support Dropbox - Notes: The chart file is not compatible with KG-Chart (win) right now. *** User's Manual / Tutorials are here:

      StitchSketch Information

      Name StitchSketch

      Category Productivity

      Developer Mozusystems, LLC

      Version 2.56

      Update 2021-01-20

      Languages EN,JA

      Size 3.33MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      StitchSketch Screenshot




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