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      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks

      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks

      • Sizes: 38.27MB
      • Version: 3.8.4
      • Update: 2022-10-27
      Install by Apple Store

      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks Description

      It Pays To Be A Fan™ PredictionStrike is a sports stock market that allows fans to buy & sell stocks of professional athletes. The players stock price movement is determined by a player’s real-world performance as well as the fans’ demand for those stocks. You’ve heard your friends, sports pundits, etc. say “I’ve had that player’s stock since Day 1” - The PredictionStrike sports stock market is now making that a reality. Imagine you could have bought Tom Brady’s stock when he was drafted out of the 6th round? Buy your favorite athletes’ stocks today and earn real money as they outperform, shock the world, and rise to greatness. Your portfolio will do the same. Everyone’s talking about investing. They’re all investing in what they’re passionate about. Stocks, meme stocks, art, wine, crypto. You’re passionate about sports. You know sports. You know sports better than anyone. Now you can invest in a sports stock market, in your favorite athletes, and in what you know best. Sign up, deposit, and start building your portfolio today. No CC required!

      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks Information

      Name PredictionStrike Sports Stocks

      Category Sports

      Developer PredictionStrike, Inc.

      Version 3.8.4

      Update 2022-10-27

      Languages EN

      Size 38.27MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 12.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks Screenshot

      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks
      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks
      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks
      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks
      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks
      PredictionStrike Sports Stocks



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