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      Original Beeper App

      Original Beeper App

      • Sizes: 16.76MB
      • Version: 1.4
      • Update: 2020-11-15
      Install by Apple Store

      Original Beeper App Screenshot

      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App

      Original Beeper App Description

      Congratulations! You’ve just discovered the app that perfects the process of improved attention and focus. Old science has taught us new ways to unlock the power of your brain to stay focused and attentive, even on tasks where it feels nearly impossible. With this app you will experience consistent increases in: -Sustained attention -Increased focus -Consistent on-task behavior You will become less distracted and more productive, even on the most boring of tasks. Old Science + New Technology = Earned Success Nearly 50 years ago, researchers found that using random, audio beeps on a tape recorder (beeper tape) helped test subjects stay focused better than others who: -Depended on another person to prompt them to stay on task -Relied upon reward systems as incentive -Used medication exclusively Develop Self-Regulation Original Beeper App™, developed by a licensed mental health provider is designed to allow you to assess your own level of attention on any given task and to record these results. This is important because research shows that a person who can self-monitor their attentiveness and focus, whether through using a beep tape or some other cueing device, will consistently increase in on-task behavior, accuracy and performance. Self-regulation strategies are proven to be effective procedures for increasing on-task behavior above and beyond the gains typically associated with medications or other external methods. Flexible and Customizable You can set the timer, sound and frequency of your beeper prompts to be exactly suited to your personal needs. You will quickly and easily determine the best settings for you. Use at School Original Beeper App™ is custom made for school implementation as well. It does not interfere with a teacher’s lesson, and it does not require constant teacher involvement to manage off-task behaviors. Lastly, since Original Beeper App™ is completely customizable for many situations that require sustained on-task behavior, it is the most effective resource for supporting on-task behavior in the real world, all over the world. Possible Applications of Original Beeper App™ 1. Complete chores at home more quickly 2. Independently focus on homework 3. Maintain clear attention on work projects 4. Get through college courses with confidence 5. Work quietly in classroom setting (any grade) 6. Apply your best effort on any other situation at school, work or home when sustained focus is expected. What Users have already experienced Using Original Beeper App - The beeps feel like guardrails keeping focus steadily flowing between the lines. If having a day where they are more distracted, increasing the frequency of the beeps tightens the guardrails. The randomness of the beeps (at any frequency) is helpful because it prevents the mind from finding a pattern and coasting. It’s like driving on a curvy road instead of a straight one. The beeps help users automatically check in and adjust their focus. If their thoughts are drifting out of the lane, the beep brings them right back where they need to be to stay on-task. *NEVER USE WHEN DRIVING/OPERATING ANY VEHICLE/ MACHINERY visit for complete information

      Original Beeper App Information

      Name Original Beeper App

      Category Productivity

      Developer Normarc

      Version 1.4

      Update 2020-11-15

      Languages EN

      Size 16.76MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App
      Original Beeper App



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