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      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack

      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack

      • Sizes: 616.00MB
      • Version: 1.0.32
      • Update: 2023-09-18
      Install by Panda Helper

      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack Screenshot

      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack
      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack
      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack
      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack

      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack Description

      Hack Features:
      - Free Summon Enabled
      - Pass Purchased
      - Jailbreak Detection Bypassed

      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack Guide

      Who Dares to Disturb the Peace of Dungeon?
      The Great Battle to Protect the Dungeon Begins Now!

      ■ Block the Heroes Invading the Dungeon! Strategical Defense Game
      - Fight against the Heroes raiding the Dungeon with strategies.
      - You can guard the Castle by summoning the Minions, the friends of the Demon Lord.
      - Each Minion has a different Cost and characteristics, so summon them strategically to battle against the Heroes.

      ■ Tiny but Powerful! Possession System for a Greater Strength
      - The Lord may be a tiny and weak soul but can possess and control the Minions.
      - The Lord Skill varies the Minion's abilities and generates higher synergy.
      - Bring out the outstanding power of the Lord to your heart's content by Possession.

      ■ Explore the Castle! Various Battle and Rich Content
      - There are secret places hidden all around the Castle.
      - Enter the dungeons all over the Castle for more power.
      - Strengthen the defense of the Castle by collecting the enhancement materials.

      ■ Golden Age for Ugly Ones! Collection of Unique Minions
      - Meet 64 types of Minion living in the Castle.
      - Each Minions has a different appearance, with unique characteristics and powers.
      - Experience their powerful skill, and soon you will fall into their charm.

      ■ I will be the Demon Lord, not a Hero! A Fresh New Story
      - Enjoy the game with a unique and interesting story.
      - Wonder the story of the Heros raiding the peaceful Castle and the Lord becoming a soul?
      - A game with a brand-new concept, a line defense of a brand-new form!
      - Join the adventure to the Castle Now!

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      [ Customer Support ]
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      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack Information

      Name My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack

      Category Games

      Developer Panda Helper

      Version 1.0.32

      Update 2023-09-18

      Languages English,Chinese

      Size 616.00MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 12.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack
      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack
      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack
      My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG Hack



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