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      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war

      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war

      • Sizes: 138.75MB
      • Version: 1.0
      • Update: 2018-11-30
      Install by Apple Store

      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war Description

      Flying bodies and testosterone fills the screen in this aggressive dancing game. Mosh for your life to Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Punk Rock, Black Metal, Grindcore, Hardcore, and more. Be the last man standing at every show, and prepare to meet some big gnarly bosses. The game is physics based with lots of ragdoll mechanics. This makes everything random and give all enemies their own life. it`s stupid, fun and brutally satisfying. Wear your wounds like a badge of pride! Features: 32 levels + 3 bonus levels Boss fights Awesome soundtrack Funny ragdoll physics No in app purchase Note: This is a game. Do not be a jerk in the pit in real life. Help your fellow man (or woman) up when they fall down, don’t step on people, and don’t punch people in the face. Keep supporting Metal!

      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war Information

      Name Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war

      Category Games

      Developer SinSquid

      Version 1.0

      Update 2018-11-30

      Languages EN

      Size 138.75MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war Screenshot

      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war
      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war
      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war
      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war
      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war
      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war
      Moshpit - Heavy Metal is war



      690 Ratings

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