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      Docker Management

      Docker Management

      • Sizes: 20.95MB
      • Version: 5.3.8
      • Update: 2022-12-12
      Install by Apple Store

      Docker Management Screenshot

      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management

      Docker Management Description

      NO docker daemon or docker api is required to be enabled for this app, simple connect via ssh. It is strongly recommended NOT to open unnecessary ports on your server (such as enabling docker daemon) as it can expose your server to more security threads. Connect via ssh to your Linux server and manage your docker. This application allows you to: - connect to multiple servers - list containers - create containers - start containers - stop containers - restart containers - remove containers - inspect containers - view resource usage of containers - view live logs of containers - list images - build images - remove images - connect through password or rsa key Features - credentials are encrypted - server info is stored on phone only (the data is wiped out if app is removed) Q/A Q: Why I can not connect with non-root users? A: The docker commands are executed by the app without "sudo" so you will need to add your non-root user to the docker group with the following command: sudo usermod -aG docker $USERsudo reboot Q: Why I can not connect to Synology server with non-root user? A: The non-root user has to in the docker group and also when ssh-ing to Synology server, the .bashrc profile is not loaded by default so the following command are required: sudo synogroup --add docker $USER sudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock sudo ln -s /volume1/@appstore/Docker/usr/bin/docker /usr/bin/docker NOTE: "/volume1/@appstore/Docker/usr/bin/docker" might be different for your case. Q: Why I can not connect to QNAP server with non-root user? A: The non-root user has to in the docker group and also when ssh-ing to QNAP server, the .bashrc profile is not loaded by default so the following command are required: sudo addgroup $USER administrators sudo ln -s /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/container-station/bin/docker /usr/bin/docker NOTE: "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/container-station/bin/docker" might be different for your case. Q: Why my ssh key is not working? A: The ssh agent accepts only RSA format keys so if you are using another format (openssh) please convert it with the following command: ssh-keygen -f -p -m pem -P PASSPHASE -N PASSPHASE NOTE: add "" if there is no passphase for the ssh key Found a bug? Send an email to:

      Docker Management Information

      Name Docker Management

      Developer Nevis Shkenza

      Version 5.3.8

      Update 2022-12-12

      Languages EN

      Size 20.95MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management
      Docker Management



      784 Ratings

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