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      Digital Thermometer app

      Digital Thermometer app

      • Sizes: 120.35MB
      • Version: V1.2.6
      • Update: 2019-05-24
      Install by Apple Store

      Digital Thermometer app Screenshot

      Digital Thermometer app
      Digital Thermometer app
      Digital Thermometer app
      Digital Thermometer app

      Digital Thermometer app Description

      Want to get accurate temperature index at a glance? This digital thermometer can turn your phone into a real-time temperature checker with ambient inside temperature and feels like body temperature. What's more, now we support connecting our digital thermometer app with an external Bluetooth thermometer device, which provides you with accurate in-room temperature data. Time to live a cozy life! You can use this Bluetooth thermometer to check the history records of in-room temperature and humidity, monitoring accurate data easily. ==Features== —— This measure app offers real-time indoor temperature information. Automatically shows the temperature of your location and in room temperature. —— This measure app automatically displays temperature and feels like of your current location —— This measure app also supports Fahrenheit and Celsius selection —— This measure app has realistic design style, simple and elegant interface —— This measure app also offers super cool thermometer styles for you to choose -An ambient temperature thermometer for cities worldwide: this live thermometer app is not only a weather detector app for your own location, but also a global accurate weather tracker that you can search world weather and temperature. You can check weather globally like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Hawaii, Sydney, Perth, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Ottawa, Toronto, etc. Try this digital thermometer and updated bluetooth connection function! If you would like to help us localize the app, please contact us: [email protected]

      Digital Thermometer app Information

      Name Digital Thermometer app

      Category Weather

      Developer Amber Mobile Limited

      Version V1.2.6

      Update 2019-05-24


      Size 120.35MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Digital Thermometer app
      Digital Thermometer app
      Digital Thermometer app
      Digital Thermometer app



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