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      Business Ledger

      Business Ledger

      • Sizes: 33.42MB
      • Version: 50.0
      • Update: 2017-03-29
      Install by Apple Store

      Business Ledger Screenshot

      Business Ledger
      Business Ledger
      Business Ledger
      Business Ledger
      Business Ledger

      Business Ledger Description

      If you are just getting started managing your finances or have a new business and need a quick solution for tracking your income, expenses and their sources, Business Ledger is the best app for you. You can record expenses and income, and develop an aggregate balance. The app lets you save and re-use the Ledger statements, so you can see and keep a track of the financial progress of your business over time. If you would like to share the Ledger statements with your business partners, simply tap e-mail, to send the information instantly anytime and anywhere. Alternatively, you can locally save, email and print the Ledger. Managing finance for your business has never been so easier. ---- ===Business Ledger Pro=== An advanced version of Business Ledger app is now available at itunes store - It comes with following key features besides all the others offered in Business Ledger app - - Ability to save files at the Dropbox. - Ability to move files from Dropbox to the iPad. - Ability to move files from the iPad to the Dropbox whenever wireless connection or 3G connection is found. - Password protect a file at the iPad. - Ability to store a password protected file at the Dropbox.

      Business Ledger Information

      Name Business Ledger

      Category Bussiness

      Developer Aspiring Investments Corp

      Version 50.0

      Update 2017-03-29

      Languages EN

      Size 33.42MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Business Ledger
      Business Ledger
      Business Ledger
      Business Ledger
      Business Ledger



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