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    ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting

    ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting

    • Sizes: 50.58MB
    • Version: 1.1.4
    • Update: 2023-05-18
    Install by Apple Store

    ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting Description

    ArtRage Vitae is our Premium Natural Painting application for mobile devices! Get creative on your digital canvas with realistic color blending, mixing oil paint, delicate watercolor, and much more! Ever wanted to try painting your masterpiece but were put off by the mess and expense? Now you can! ArtRage Vitae isn't just about color: It knows how much paint you've used so you can mix it and spread it on a textured canvas. It knows how wet your paint is so you can blend it with other paints. It even knows about the roughness of your paper so your pencils can be used for soft shading. It's not just a special effect either - ArtRage Vitae is a live simulation of the properties of real artistic media that lets you get creative with colors and textures using tools you already know how to use! ArtRage Vitae takes full advantage of the Apple Pencil support for pressure & tilt, and 3D touch on your iPhone when available. Join the ArtRage community: Forums: Facebook: Instagram: Features: Real world painting tools: Oils, Watercolors, Paint Rollers, Pencils, Crayons and more. Each tool has a range of familiar properties such as how much thinner is applied to the paint, or how soft a pencil tip is. Tools apply texture as well as color, and blend under the brush. Add Layers to your painting and work on individual elements without damaging others. ArtRage supports a wide range of layer effects, layer blend modes, and layer contents can be scaled moved and rotated independently. Import images, converting them to oil paint for mixing and blending or as Reference Images pinned to the canvas as a visual guide. Load photos as Tracing Images which are overlaid on the canvas, and have ArtRage select colors automatically as you paint. The interface has been designed to maximize your creative space without hiding away critical functions such as tool and color selection. As you paint, it gets out of the way so that you don’t have to stop and manually adjust panels. Record your paintings! The ArtRage Script system lets you record strokes while you paint for playback in desktop versions of the product at higher resolution. Share your paintings on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Creative Cloud, Dropbox, DeviantArt or any other sharing app on your device. Tools: • Oil Brush, Watercolor, Airbrush, Palette Knife, Paint Roller, Paint Tube, Inking Pen, Pencil, Marker Pen, Chalk, Crayon, Glitter Tube, Gloop Pen, Eraser, Flood Fill, Cloner. • Paint simulation monitors the physical properties of your paints to allow natural blending, smearing, and other real world behavior. • Preset support to save your favorite settings for later use. • Supports the Apple Pencil's Pressure and Tilt properties, and 3D Touch where available to add realism to the simulated paint strokes. Layers: • Unlimited layers with Photoshop standard blend modes, visibility and opacity controls. Scale, rotate, and position layer contents independently. Utilities: • Record your paintings as Scripts then play them back in a desktop version of ArtRage. • Unlimited Undo / Redo. Load photos as References or Tracing images. Files: • 4096 x 4096 Canvas now available on all devices. • Control the texture and color of the canvas to create different effects. Canvas presets can be stored for later. • Export PTG, JPG or PNG to services such as Email, Adobe Creative Cloud, Dropbox, and more. Share images on Facebook or Twitter. Import photos to a new file or a layer, with camera support. Interface: • Easy access pods provide functionality without getting in the way. Elements vanish as you paint so you can paint underneath. Multi-Touch shortcuts for canvas manipulation, Undo/Redo, and Brush Size. Stylus & Input Support: • Apple Pencil Pressure & Tilt. • Supports 3D Touch. • Includes support for Wacom, Adonit and Pogo styluses.

    ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting Information

    Name ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting

    Developer Ambient Design Ltd.

    Version 1.1.4

    Update 2023-05-18

    Languages NL,EN,FR,DE,IT,JA,ES

    Size 50.58MB

    Compatibility Requires iOS 10.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

    Other Original Version

    ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting Screenshot



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