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      Tayasui Sketches Pro

      Tayasui Sketches Pro

      • Sizes: 171.00MB
      • Version: 15.2.2
      • Update: 2017-04-07
      Install by Panda Helper

      Tayasui Sketches Pro Description

      Because beautiful tools make beautiful drawings, we endlessly refined Sketches brushes to create the most realistic drawing tools.

      Sketches Pro is Sketches (free) with the Pro Bundle IAP included : Extra tools, Layers and many more pro features.

      Sketches is the most realistic, versatile and user-friendly sketching app designed for a mobile device. This exhaustive artist''''s toolbox helps users create dazzling sketches, cheerful paintings and smashing illustrations on the go.

      • Features
      - Import photos
      - Over 20 ultra realistic tools
      - Incredibly realistics watercolor wet brushes
      - Brushes Editor
      - Color Eyedropper
      - Pro Export and sharing

      • Layers
      - Use layers to simplify your task
      - Export them as separate PNG with transparency

      • Folders (iPad only)
      Easily organize your drawings in beautiful and easy to personalize folders or books.

      • Pressure Stylus support
      Discover even more realistic brushes while Styluses.
      We support Apple, Wacom and Adonit Styluses.

      A Unique feeling : Each stroke behaves vividly and truly like brush on paper, adapting the pressure, angle, and width to your movements. It''''s an effect you have to see to believe.

      • A unique UI with a touch of Zen : Tools are hidden away as you create and the bare minimum buttons are shown to make for a very clean canvas..

      • Community : Share your drawings with the Sketches Community where you can find inspirations and vote for other people drawings.

      I• List of tools
      - Pen
      - Rotring
      - Felt Pen
      - Pen Brush
      - Oil Pastel
      - Watercolor Dry and Wet brushes
      - Acrylic brush
      - Airbrush
      - Area and Filling tool
      - Patterns
      - Text (iPad only)
      - Shapes (iPad only)
      - Eraser
      - Cutter
      - Smudge tool
      - Ruler

      Tayasui Sketches Pro Guide

      Because beautiful tools make beautiful drawings, we endlessly refined Sketches brushes to create the most realistic drawing tools.

      Sketches is the most realistic, versatile and user-friendly sketching app designed for a mobile device. This exhaustive artist's toolbox helps users create dazzling sketches, cheerful paintings and smashing illustrations on the go.

      Sketches Pro has exactly the same feature set as Sketches including the IAP Pro Bundle.

      • Features
      - Over 20 ultra realistic tools
      - Several rulers and magnetic shapes
      - Import photos
      - Incredibly realistic watercolor wet brush
      - Brushes Editor
      - Color Eyedropper
      - Color mixer
      - Color palettes (.ase)

      • Layers
      - Use layers to simplify your task
      - Export them as separate PNG with transparency
      - import and export PSD layered files

      • Patterns
      - Import, draw and customise your own patterns.

      • Cloud Sync
      - Backup your drawings to the Cloud
      - Synchronize your drawings between all your devices
      - Manage sync options folder by folder

      • Folders
      Easily organize your drawings to personalize folders or books.

      • Stylus support
      Discover even more realistic brushes.
      Full support for Apple Pencil.

      • A Unique feeling: Each stroke behaves vividly and truly like a brush on paper, adapting the pressure, angle, and width to your movements. It's an effect you have to see to believe.

      • A unique UI with a touch of Zen: A gorgeous UI that hides as you create to make for a very clean canvas.

      • List of tools
      - Pen
      - Rotring
      - Felt Pen
      - Pen Brush
      - Oil Pastel
      - Watercolor Dry and Wet brushes
      - Acrylic brush
      - Airbrush
      - Area and Filling tool
      - Patterns
      - Text
      - Shapes (iPad only)
      - Eraser
      - Cutter
      - Smudge tool
      - Rulers: straight, arc, circle and spline
      - Symmetry
      - Cutout shapes

      Tayasui Sketches Pro Information

      Name Tayasui Sketches Pro

      Category Productivity

      Developer yann le coroller

      Version 15.2.2

      Update 2017-04-07

      Languages English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Vietnamese

      Size 171.00MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Tayasui Sketches Pro Screenshot

      Tayasui Sketches Pro
      Tayasui Sketches Pro
      Tayasui Sketches Pro
      Tayasui Sketches Pro
      Tayasui Sketches Pro



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