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      Hairdryer App

      Hairdryer App

      • Sizes: 47.6 MB
      • Version: 2.7
      • Update: 2018-09-01
      Install by Panda Helper

      Hairdryer App Screenshot

      Hairdryer App
      Hairdryer App
      Hairdryer App
      Hairdryer App

      Hairdryer App Description

      Your baby is crying and you can't calm it?

      Then try this app - with the help of three proven Sounds
      (hair dryer, clothes dryer & the lullaby "Sleep, Baby Sleep")
      your baby will fall asleep fast.

      CAUTION : It is recommended no to use the app too often, so that your baby is not too accustomed to the sounds and can not fall asleep without this anymore.

      Your benefits :

      - The app has an automatic shutoff (preset duration) .

      - The sound will run even if you turn off your iPhone and you can stop it right in the lock screen

      - Ready for use within seconds,

      - The sounds run even further, if you send the app in the background and launch another app

      Hairdryer App Guide

      Your baby just can not sleep and is not calm down?

      Then try this app - with the help of three proven sounds (hair dryer, tumble dryer & the song "Sleep, baby sleep") you help your baby to quickly find sleep.
      The indefinite, even sounds remind her baby of his time in the womb and ensure a calming and falling asleep and record time.

      ATTENTION: It is recommended not to use the app too often, so that your baby does not get used to the sound of falling asleep and can not sleep without it.

      Your advantages:

      - The app has an automatic shutdown (after the preset time)

      - The sound also runs when you turn off your iPhone and you can stop it directly in the lock screen

      - The app is ready to use anywhere in seconds - be it at home or on the road in the car, stroller or bike trailer

      - The reassurance sounds continue even if you send the app in the background and launch another app

      Hairdryer App Information

      Name Hairdryer App

      Category Medical

      Developer Jochen Holzer

      Version 2.7

      Update 2018-09-01

      Languages English, German

      Size 47.6 MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 9.2 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Hairdryer App
      Hairdryer App
      Hairdryer App
      Hairdryer App



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