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      After School Girlfriend: Sexy Anime Dating Sim Mod

      After School Girlfriend: Sexy Anime Dating Sim Mod

      • Sizes: 125.45 MB
      • Version: 3.0.20
      • Update: 2024/01/31
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      *MOD Features* >All Choices are Free


      ■Synopsis■Having spent your life trying to avoid unnecessary physical exertion, your perfectly planned daily routine is derailed by a single stray cat...Now that everyone at school has seen your athletic potential, there's no escaping the three most tenacious club captains as they try to recruit you. It's not all bad though—they just happen to be three of your most beautiful classmates!Deciding which club to join might not seem that hard, but toss feelings into the game, the decision is bound to get more difficult…■Characters■ Kyoka - Tennis CaptainEnergetic and upbeat, Kyoka is avid to make new friends. But when the tennis club grows in popularity, can she balance her affable side with her responsibilities as captain? Perhaps you can help her grow as a leader, and even help her discover love...Mizuho - Swimming ProtegeThe ambitious Mizuho is more at home in the water than on land. Scouted for an early scholarship, you quickly realize that swimming is more than just a sport for her, it's an obsession. Will you be the one to bring her back to dry land, or will she forever be out of reach?Akane - The Reserved Kendoka With a family name to uphold, kendo is practically a way of life for Akane. After expelling her clubmates for bullying other students, she's left alone in an empty dojo with only her wooden sword for company. Too prideful to ask for help, can you reach out and help rebuild her trust, or is hers the path of solitude?


      Name After School Girlfriend: Sexy Anime Dating Sim Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer Genius Studio Japan Inc.

      Version 3.0.20

      Update 2024/01/31

      Languages English

      Size 125.45 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      After School Girlfriend: Sexy Anime Dating Sim Mod
      After School Girlfriend: Sexy Anime Dating Sim Mod
      After School Girlfriend: Sexy Anime Dating Sim Mod



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