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      А4 Викторина - квиз челлендж

      А4 Викторина - квиз челлендж

      • Sizes: 46.43 MB
      • Version: 0.1.7
      • Update: 2024/04/25
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      Unlocked / no advertising


      Test your knowledge in the extreme quiz from Vlad A4! Compete with other players, answer questions correctly before others and win!
      But be careful - for every wrong answer you will fall into ... the ocean with angry sharks.

      Tricky questions will help develop logical abilities and pump your brains. And you will also improve your reaction and learn to think faster, because the response time is limited.

      Answer correctly, earn points and advance through the leagues (there are 20 in total). You will have the opportunity to become an expert, champion and even a legend! And in order to make your task a little easier, the game has protection against falls and a freeze timer.

      And of course, you can play for your favorite characters - Glent, Serega, Kobyakov and Vlad A4

      - Tricky and funny questions
      - Cool characters
      - Progress leagues
      - Dynamic gameplay
      - Bright design

      Download the app and start your extreme challenge! And do not forget to write in the comments which league you have already reached;)


      Name А4 Викторина - квиз челлендж

      Category GAMES

      Developer redtower

      Version 0.1.7

      Update 2024/04/25

      Languages English

      Size 46.43 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need



      210 Ratings

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