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      Eredan Arena PVP

      Eredan Arena PVP

      • Sizes: 32.58 MB
      • Version: 3.2.52
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      One Hit


      Incredibly fun, simply smart

      Choose your 5 heroes team carefully, every decision you will make during combat can change the outcome!
      Obtain new heroes, make them evolve and become the master of the arena !
      Easy to get in, hard to master!

      Easy to get in: With it's very fast and intuitive gameplay, you will get in the game in not time.

      Build your deck: Hundreds of characters are available for you to master. The more you play, the bigger your team.

      Evolve: Your characters skill evolve has you play. They keep getting better at what they do!

      Play anywhere: Available on mobile and desktop, you can continue your battles and your climb in the charts anytime.

      Lead the leagues! Show how good you are and win prizes along the way!

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      Name Eredan Arena PVP

      Category GAMES

      Developer feerik games

      Version 3.2.52

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 32.58 MB

      Compatibility Android 2.3+

      Root Needed No Need



      509 Ratings

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