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      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell

      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell

      • Sizes: 46.51 MB
      • Version: 4.5
      • Update: 2024/01/31
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell

      Modified Description

      Unlimited Money Unlimited Diamonds *Increase when you spent


      Idle Pet - tap-tap idle construction 3d. Our pets are our friends! We love cute furry animals. But do you know what is the structure of the animal? Idle Pet is a skeleton game that will show you how the body of petshop inhabitants, starting with the very first cage.You will find a unique pumping pet. Create a living creature from scratch. Watch how organs pass into the body, just grow them from stem cells. Use powerups and boosters like a real idle tycoon. Evolution has created a dog for millions of years. And how soon will you make a person?You are waiting for cute animals creator simulator ready to run. Start playing for idli making right now!


      Name Idle Pet - Create cell by cell

      Category GAMES

      Developer Brothers Apps And Games

      Version 4.5

      Update 2024/01/31

      Languages English

      Size 46.51 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell
      Idle Pet - Create cell by cell



      1445 Ratings

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