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      Pang Adventures

      Pang Adventures

      • Sizes: 285.55 MB
      • Version: 1.1.8
      • Update: 2024/04/21
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures

      Modified Description

      Mega Mod All Unlocked Always 1st on leaderboard Unlimited Lives


      The Pang series is a beloved collection of arcade video games from the early 90s. Guide two brothers on a quest around the world to save humankind from a massive alien invasion! Use your wits and skills to overcome the attack balls pouring from the skies and rescue the world’s cities and landmarks from impending annihilation!

      Pang Adventures brings new features and gameplay to this arcade legend while keeping true to the original spirit of the series.

      ● 3 different ball-popping modes:
      Tour Mode: Fight back the alien forces, one location at a time!
      Score Attack: Save the world with only 3 lives and NO CONTINUES! The real arcade experience!
      Panic Mode: Bust balls like a legend! 99 levels of continuous battle will put your skills to the ultimate test!

      ● More than 100 levels scattered throughout Antarctica, Scotland, Death Valley, Bora Bora... each location with its own unique tricks and twists!

      ● The Pang Bros. have upgraded their gear since the last alien invasion: machine guns, flamethrowers, lasers, shurikens…you name it, they've got it!

      ● Boss fights! For the first time in the series, the Pang Brothers come face-to-face with the nefarious Alien Commanders! These villains didn't come to Earth for the sightseeing…so get ready to blow them to smithereens!

      ● Since the last invasion, the Aliens have been busy improving their attack ball technology! Electric, explosive, smoke and lava balls will all be deployed to knock you off your feet, so be prepared!

      ● No ads, no in-app purchase, no hidden costs! Enjoy the full content!

      The simplest recipes make the best cookies! Pang Adventures is one delicious treat specifically designed to please your digital tastebuds and get you hooked! So keep your eyes peeled and your reflexes razor sharp to succeed and save the world!


      Name Pang Adventures

      Category GAMES

      Developer DotEmu

      Version 1.1.8

      Update 2024/04/21

      Languages English

      Size 285.55 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures
      Pang Adventures



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