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      Pogodi riječ

      Pogodi riječ

      • Veličine: 52.04 MB
      • Verzija: 4.82
      • Update: 2024/02/01
      Instaliraj do Panda Helper

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      Random Logic Games is proud to present our version of the classic 4 pics 1 word style of trivia game! It is a fun and addicting game that will challenge your logic and reasoning abilities while entertaining you at the same time!

      If you love to solve problems and consider a good puzzle to be fun then you'll love Guess The Word. All of the 4 pics will have one word in common, and it's up to you to figure it out what that is!! As with all of our games, the beginning is quite easy but the game gets harder over time!


      Open the game and tap "PLAY". You'll be presented with 4 random pictures. You goal is to guess what WORD all 4 PICS have in common! Letters are provided for you to type with. Tap the letters to place them on the game board. Tapping letters again will remove letters from the game board.

      Getting questions correct will earn coins. Coins can be used on HINTS!


      "Expose A Letter" - This hint reveals a correct letter within the puzzle!

      "Remove Letters" - This hint will remove some of the letters NOT used in the word puzzle solution.

      "Solve the Question" - If things get really tough, you can always use the puzzles to solve the question completely and move on to the next!

      "Ask a Friend" - Use Facebook to send questions directly to your friends. Your friends can solve the question for you and send the answer back directly to you!


      -SEND & RECEIVE FREE COINS - The more friends that play, the more free coins you can send and receive!

      -LEADERBOARDS - Playing with friends is always more fun! Now you can see who's playing, how far they've advanced, and if you're kicking their butt!

      -DAILY REWARDS - Earn free coins by opening the app and claiming your daily reward! Log in daily!


      Ime i Prezime Pogodi riječ

      Kategorija IGRE

      razvijač nasumične logičke igre doo

      Verzija 4.82

      Nadopune 2024/02/01

      jezici Engleski

      Veličina 52.04 MB

      Kompatibilnost Android 2.3 +

      Potreban root Nema potrebe



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