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      Traffix: Traffic Management Simulator

      Traffix: Traffic Management Simulator

      • Velikosti: 78.65 MB
      • Verze: 3.98
      • aktualizace: 2024/04/17
      Instalovat podle Panda Helper

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      Traffix is a minimalist traffic management game where you need to manage the traffic flow by turning on/off the traffic lights.

      You must control the traffic light to keep the drivers safe and maintain peace.
      Začněte bojovat proti chaosu po celém světě v této simulaci provozu.


      Simple rules: Tap the traffic light on the right time to change its color and manage the highway. It works just like a normal traffic light with green, yellow and red colors.

      Minimalist: You will find cars, a bus or a van in almost every city. There are cities featuring a truck, a train, and even a plane. Your job? Make sure they don’t crash.

      Calming: Traffix will not force you to think too hard. Each new city will amaze your senses and help you to relax.

      Tricky levels: The visual features of Traffix are very simple and minimalist, but some cities can turn very tricky! The slightest distraction can cause a big crash.

      Everybody hates traffic. Even when it is minimalist, like on Traffix. Now there is a way to control chaos and spread some peace to the streets.

      On Traffix you are the highway manager. Each city will deliver a different dose of stress and chaos. By tapping the traffic lights at the right time, you can control the flow and avoid raging drivers.

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      Příjmení Traffix: Traffic Management Simulator

      Kategorie HRY


      Verze 3.98

      Aktualizace 2024/04/17

      Jazyky angličtina

      Velikost 78.65 MB

      Kompatibilita Android 4.2 +

      Potřebný kořen Není třeba

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