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      3K Ultimate Awaken Mod

      3K Ultimate Awaken Mod

      • Sizes: 413.87 MB
      • Version: 1.3.103
      • Update: 2024/01/31
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      3K Ultimate Awaken Mod
      3K Ultimate Awaken Mod
      3K Ultimate Awaken Mod

      Modified Description

      *MOD Features* 1. Menu 2. DMG x30 3. God Mode


      Explore a unique story as you navigate between the 3 mega-corporations and their struggle for dominance.  Collect over 50+ heroes with varying but balanced skills, and master launching both their special and awaken abilities in real-time battles.  Increase your firm’s own fame by climbing the multiple PVP ladders- Explore: Unique story which blends East and West elements- Master: Strategic battle planning and real-time tactics action- Collect: Heroes and gods with vary but balanced skills- Climb: PVP ranks with insight into the evolving metaWe offer a wide array of ways for users to enjoy our gaming that includes: engaging hero storylines, competitive PVP bracket system,, and rewarding daily tasks.  We even include a monthly hero subscription which provides user with a new epic hero each month and daily in-game currency at a discounted rate.Feedback or Problems? Please let us know by email at [email protected]


      Name 3K Ultimate Awaken Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer 100s Jump LLC

      Version 1.3.103

      Update 2024/01/31

      Languages English

      Size 413.87 MB

      Compatibility Android 8.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      3K Ultimate Awaken Mod
      3K Ultimate Awaken Mod
      3K Ultimate Awaken Mod



      1569 Ratings

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