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      Super God Blade : Spin the Ultimate Top!

      Super God Blade : Spin the Ultimate Top!

      • Sizes: 68.81 MB
      • Version: 1.67.13
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      An alarming rate! Crazy impact!


      Incredible graphics! Breakneck Speed! Insane effects!
      Battle spinning tops game, 'Super God Blade' is here with breathtaking battles!

      The Ultimate Idle Game!

      Best reviewed Battle Spinning Top game from fans!

      Experience the REAL Battle Spinning Top game!

      ▶▶Game Features◀◀
      1. Play the game in public, and you'll be a hero to everyone around you.
      2. Simple controls to enjoy the speed, impact, and special effects of this awesome game!
      3. Enjoy from '1V1' to '3V3 Battles'. More breathtaking and trhilling than the actual spinning tops!
      4. All Tops and parts can be acquired without payments.

      - Merge Top parts to make stronger Top parts.
      - Equip new parts to build a stronger Top.
      - Destroy terrifying monsters to collect gold.
      - Equip stronger and cooler skills to destroy the stage bosses!
      - Merge your tops to destroy the Final Boss!
      - Play up to 3V3 with your friends in multiplayer mode.

      Korean, English
      Contact Developer :
      (+82) 070-7918-8787


      Name Super God Blade : Spin the Ultimate Top!

      Category GAMES

      Developer ok done

      Version 1.67.13

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 68.81 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need



      400 Ratings

      Tap to Rate

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