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      Suicide Guy

      Suicide Guy

      • Sizes: 983.17 MB
      • Version: 2.1
      • Update: 2024/04/25
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      Your task is to help the protagonist get out of the predicament.


      Suicide Guy is a 3D first person action-puzzle game set in a world of dreams.
      You'll assume the role of a nice big guy unable to wake up from his nightmares.

      Your task is to help him to step out of them.


      • 25 levels (+3 extra new ones!) set inside Suicide Guy's mind

      • Story-driven game

      • Physics based levels

      • Ultimate moves: be able to pick up items, throw them, activate mechanisms and even burp.

      • Funny creatures to annoy

      • Vehicles to drive

      • An important mission to accomplish

      • Collectible items to find

      Gamers will have to use different items in every kind of situation by solving original brain teasers.
      Despite the title, the game is NOT at all about suicide or depression.


      Name Suicide Guy

      Category GAMES

      Developer chubby pixel

      Version 2.1

      Update 2024/04/25

      Languages English

      Size 983.17 MB

      Compatibility Android 9.0+

      Root Needed No Need



      1296 Ratings

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