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      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod

      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod

      • Sizes: 82.34 MB
      • Version: 1.1.17
      • Update: 2024/07/24
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod
      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod
      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod
      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod

      Modified Description

      *MOD Features* 1. GOD MODE 2. 1 HIT 3. UNLIMITED DIAMONDS


      ◆ Defeat monstersStrike down monsters that block your path.Clear each stage to unlock new ones.If you're stuck, play previous stages to level up and upgrade your items .◆ Unique stagesEach stage has its own set of monsters and Boss monster.Tougher monsters will drop more Gold and XP.◆ Legendary itemThere are Legendary items that will greatly boost Hero's performance.Collect Legendary items and upgrade them.◆ SpiritsThere are several Spirits that will help your adventure.Awake them from their seal and summon them.◆ DragonThe great evil Dragon is waiting for you.Vanquish it and bring peace to your hometown.Long time ago, a legendary hero, accompanied by 5 Spirits, faced the evil Dragon.Near death, Dragon fled and disappeared. Once again this land became peaceful.After a long time, however, Dragon came back with a horde of monsters.A young boy, who admired the legendary hero, decided to fight Dragon with the hero's sword.◆ Abyss dungeonAt last, Abyss dungeon is now accessible.You need Devil's invitation to enter Abyss dungeon.Monsters are much tougher, but they will drop more Gold and items.No one has ever reached the end of Abyss dungeon… can you?


      Name Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer PREUS

      Version 1.1.17

      Update 2024/07/24

      Languages English

      Size 82.34 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod
      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod
      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod
      Tap Knight : Dragon's Attack Mod



      1678 Ratings

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