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      GETCHA GHOST-The Haunted House

      GETCHA GHOST-The Haunted House

      • Sizes: 398.38 MB
      • Version: 2.0.48
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      Game built-in menu, click on the upper left corner icon to open


      ■■■■■online comic■■■■■
      Episode 1
      Episode 2
      Ghosts are gathering all over the world?!
      Capture Ghosts with your camera and solve puzzles with them!

      The people are in danger!
      Now it's time to save them together by Summoning ghosts you've captured!

      ■Finally, Getcha Ghost is released!
      ■Enjoy ghost-hunting with splendid characters from the !
      ■Real-time 1v1 Duel Mode added! Now you can have fun with your friends!

      Just 10 minutes!
      Don't miss out on all of the gifts and prizes from the GMs!

      ■■■■■Game Feature■■■■■
      Try inviting your friends and enjoy the 1v1 Duel Mode together.

      This game is based on the .
      Enjoy the spooky but entertaining stories and adventures of !

      You can watch it on Netflix or YouTube.

      Capture ghosts around you, just like the TV show!

      Upgrade your characters,
      earn more rewards and save the people!


      Check your coupon code on the YouTube channel.
      Please click Subscribe and Like button.


      ■■■■■How to Play■■■■■

      There are ghosts around me?
      Capture ghosts with your camera in Capture mode!
      Play along with simple puzzles and fight against evil ghosts.

      ■[Capture Mode: Capture Ghosts that will fight at your side!]
      - Slowly turn your phone around and... AHHH! Ghost!
      - Capture Ghosts wandering around you and create your own collection!

      ■[Combat Mode: Fight against evil ghosts and earn rewards!]
      - Enjoy a variety of fun with Single Mode, 1v1 Duel Mode and Giant Ghost Mode!
      - Call upon the good ghosts you've captured and defeat the evil ghost!
      - How many rewards you will get after defeating them?

      'GETCHA GHOST-The Haunted House' always welcomes feedback from you.
      Your precious reviews will be appreciated!


      Name GETCHA GHOST-The Haunted House

      Category GAMES

      Developer daerisoft

      Version 2.0.48

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 398.38 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need



      1610 Ratings

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